Art reveal for upcoming episode...
Dad Bane?
Is that the woman who was bangin Palpatine? No wonder Cassian is so grim dark and eager to die.Cassian's sister is Rey's Grandmother. It's true.
... but the progression of the show felt very awkward with constant RPG style side missions and fetch quests (lets teach this village of walking dead extras how to fight / I have to assist this James Franco knock off dude catch a bounty) along with Jar Jar level cringe characters (Peli, Blue SNL alien etc).
Great, now I really want to see a Cassian & K2 - Inigo & Fezzik xover.... Prepare to die.
Fennec and BobaGreat, now I really want to see a Cassian & K2 - Inigo & Fezzik xover.
Haven't watched a single D+ show, but that might change after this review.So far Mando S1/S2 BLOW AWAY Andor and no amount of a mature new narrative style with Blade Runner aesthetics and sound effects is changing that for me.
Wait you haven’t heard?Haven't watched a single D+ show, but that might change after this review.
Yeah I could probably do with fewer wackier characters in Mando as well, but I don't think that stuff detracts too much, and the show is always able to shift gears easily and become absolutely badass again when needed (something that BOBF obviously had a much harder time with).A village of Walking Dead extras!!!!!! Excuse me while I die laughing! Because thats exactly what they were.... All of this is perfectly put.
Peli Motto is just sheer cringe, she crossed the line with that jawa comment and now I cannot see anything else. The sheer mental images that conjured up, along with logistical wonderings is the last thing I expect to take away from any SW project. That was so wildly out of place and inappropriate I am surprised people were not complaining.
They could tone down the wackiness in season 3 and I would not complain. But no. We will be looking at $%&@ Babu Frik. FML
Sweet. Rogue One is the only SW-related thing I've enjoyed since the OT and it's precisely because it felt so different from everything else. Different score, different atmosphere, no title crawl...Wait you haven’t heard?
This isn’t your grandfather’s Star Wars.
Actually it’s even different than RO or should I say a natural evolution and progression of RO.Sweet. Rogue One is the only SW-related thing I've enjoyed since the OT and it's precisely because it felt so different from everything else. Different score, different atmosphere, no title crawl...
Shrug. As long as Mandalorian stays reasonably far away from the Skywalkers, rehash and Tatooine, I'm happy. I remain intrigued by a character defined by a code having to struggle with betraying and/or coming to terms with that identity. I idly ponder in a way, a long time ago, Tarre Vizsla may have had to ask those same questions, maybe one end result being the creation of something like the Darksaber which - in the murky world of "what does it take to wield a lightsaber" - is a pretty unique weapon, in that the sword demands the user have certain capabilities to use it effectively.Yeah I could probably do with fewer wackier characters in Mando as well, but I don't think that stuff detracts too much, and the show is always able to shift gears easily and become absolutely badass again when needed (something that BOBF obviously had a much harder time with).
not sure all the lights are on upstairs.