-How often do you watch them from beginning to end? (please, lets not get into a 4,5,6,1,2,3 Vs. 1,2,3,4,5,6 debate --the question refers to 1,2,3,4,5,6.)
Last time I watched the movies, I went in order. I'm not one to re-watch movies though, so it's usually a couple years between complete viewings of even one of them.
-Do you feel differently (positive or negative) about the Saga as a whole, opposed to the period between 1999 and 2005 when we didn;t have a complete 6 episode Saga?
I definitely think the PT complements the OT nicely. JarJar didn't annoy me that badly, and seeing the ewoks again put it all in perspective. Lucas has always included something in the movies that is kid-friendly. In fact, I thought the PT had more complex characters and plotlines than the OT. I know...blasphemy. I'm hoping to rewatch them again in the very near future since I just DVRd the entire run in HD :-D.
-Do you have trouble accepting (suspending disbelief) when you see Obi-Wan switch actors?
Not really a factor for me
-Do you see character motivations differently now that you've seen the entire Saga?
Yeah, JarJar set in motion a lot of stuff.