Star Wars novels

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Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart is, hand's down, my favorite SW novel. I read all the Clone Wars era novels, and while all were good and some were excellent, DR is the best, in my opinion.

The author really seems to KNOW the STAR WARS universe, and that makes a difference. This is a Yoda novel, taking place 6 months before the events of REVENGE OF THE SITH, and the thing that blew me away was that while reading it, I couldn't 'picture' the Yoda from the Prequels while reading. All I could see in my mind's eye was the Yoda from EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. The auther captured Yoda so well, that I felt like I was watching the old original Yoda (I mean that in a good way).

Count Dooku is fleshed out in the book in a way that makes him so much more of a character than he is in the films. In the movies, he's a glorified cameo. He's only interesting because of the casting; Christopher Lee brings gravitas to a character that has maybe 20 lines of dialogue and not much in the way of development. In the novel, Dooku is explored in a wonderfully rich and detailed way that really makes him a fascinating character. One of the greatest Jedi who leaves the order willingly, NOT to join the Dark Side, but because of personal conviction, and then later chooses the Dark Side because of what he perceives to be the way necessary to make change in the galaxy. Also, he's fully aware that the nature of the Dark Side is to betray and discard your mentors and apprentices, and his rationale for participating in this is really well-thought-out.

And Assajj Ventriss is there as well. Since she is basically an unused film design that was made into a toy that was adapted into a cartoon, she is largely a blank slate onto which any of us can write what we will. The Dooku-Ventriss dynamic explored in the novel is so intriguing, it left me wanting a whole novel of just them.

Sorry to ramble. Please read Dark Rendezvous. It's only available in paperback and only costs $7.
Cloak of Deception by James Luceno (pre-TPM novel with lots of great Palpatine, Federation and Qui-Gon stuff)
Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart (Clone Wars Yoda & Dooku story)
Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno (Takes place just before ROTS and is just awesome... better than any of the prequels, imho)
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno (Terrific. What I always thought EP3 would be)

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn (Best insight into the Sith out there. Period. Written by the lead writer of KOTOR. 'Nuff said)
Darth Bane: Rule of Two by Drew Karpyshyn (Direct sequel to the above. Just came out)

That list, imho, represents the absolute best the EU has to offer. Great books, all (though I'm admittedly only halfway through "Rule of Two").

The "Republic Commando" books are pretty good, too... if a bit pandering to fans at times (especially the 501st). There are three of them now and all are available in softcover for about $6 a piece.
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I say that before you read any of the EU stuff give the movie novelizations a try first. I learned a bit more about the main characters than I did in the movies. Then try the books directly related to the movie, like The Rise of Darth Vader, Labyrinth of Evil, and the Tales of books. That way you get to learn more within the original story's context. After that if you need more Star Wars goodness try the Eu stuff. But remember like what Lucas once said, if it's not in the movies it's not actual Star Wars events.
Cloak of Deception by James Luceno (pre-TPM novel with lots of great Palpatine, Federation and Qui-Gon stuff)
Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart (Clone Wars Yoda & Dooku story)
Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno (Takes place just before ROTS and is just awesome... better than any of the prequels, imho)
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno (Terrific. What I always thought EP3 would be)

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn (Best insight into the Sith out there. Period. Written by the lead writer of KOTOR. 'Nuff said)
Darth Bane: Rule of Two by Drew Karpyshyn (Direct sequel to the above. Just came out)

That list, imho, represents the absolute best the EU has to offer. Great books, all (though I'm admittedly only halfway through "Rule of Two").

The "Republic Commando" books are pretty good, too... if a bit pandering to fans at times (especially the 501st). There are three of them now and all are available in softcover for about $6 a piece.

Thanks for that list Irish. I'm gonna add a couple to my next Amazon order.
I'm not a big fan of the EU at all but the following three books were fantastic, in my opinion. Each contained different stories of different characters that all linked together. The variety of authors and of their writing styles was fantastic.

"Tales From the Cantina"

"Tales From Jabba's Palace"

"Tales of the Bounty Hunters"

Each provides wonderful background stories to characters actually seen in the films.
I'm not a big fan of the EU at all but the following three books were fantastic, in my opinion. Each contained different stories of different characters that all linked together. The variety of authors and of their writing styles was fantastic.

"Tales From the Cantina"

"Tales From Jabba's Palace"

"Tales of the Bounty Hunters"

Each provides wonderful background stories to characters actually seen in the films.

I read those and liked them, although I found it hard to believe that the brain for IG-88 was put into the last Death Star. Also, the entire Boba Fett story is trashed by episode 2. LIke I said Lucas always has the last word. Could you imagine if he decides to make an episode 7, 8, and 9? The entire EU universe would be destroyed!
Still a big fan of ost of the Zahn books espeacially if it got Thrawn in but if you want to make watching the movies more enjoyable how about reading some terrible novels so that you then can enjoy the films even more.

Rogue Planet by Greg Bear
The Courtship of Princess Leia by Dave Wolverton
Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly
Planet of Twilight by Barbara Hambly
The Crystal Star by Vonda N. McIntyre
The New Rebellion by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

All of these were not what i would call star wars like, best thing about them were ther covers.
Cloak of Deception by James Luceno (pre-TPM novel with lots of great Palpatine, Federation and Qui-Gon stuff)
Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart (Clone Wars Yoda & Dooku story)
Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno (Takes place just before ROTS and is just awesome... better than any of the prequels, imho)
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno (Terrific. What I always thought EP3 would be)

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn (Best insight into the Sith out there. Period. Written by the lead writer of KOTOR. 'Nuff said)
Darth Bane: Rule of Two by Drew Karpyshyn (Direct sequel to the above. Just came out)

That list, imho, represents the absolute best the EU has to offer. Great books, all (though I'm admittedly only halfway through "Rule of Two").

The "Republic Commando" books are pretty good, too... if a bit pandering to fans at times (especially the 501st). There are three of them now and all are available in softcover for about $6 a piece.

I just started Cloak Of Deception and I really like it so far.

That comment about Dark Lord being what Ep3 should have been is just how I feel. I was so disappointed when they ended the Vader/Palpy story in the movie with them just standing there.:monkey2
Dark Rendezvous....Dooku...In the movies, he's a glorified cameo....In the novel, Dooku is explored in a wonderfully rich and detailed way that really makes him a fascinating character.

YES! This and the very beginning of the Revenge of the Sith novelization make me so sad for the movie characterization. NOT the actor, as I like Lee's portrayal. But, he wasn't really given much to do or anything to build up his character. The justice he's been given in word form solidify him as an excellent character, which the prequels don't have much of.
Dark Rendezvous is my favorite Clone Wars novel. I really didn't care too much for the others.
Cloak of Deception by James Luceno (pre-TPM novel with lots of great Palpatine, Federation and Qui-Gon stuff)
Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart (Clone Wars Yoda & Dooku story)
Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno (Takes place just before ROTS and is just awesome... better than any of the prequels, imho)
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno (Terrific. What I always thought EP3 would be)

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn (Best insight into the Sith out there. Period. Written by the lead writer of KOTOR. 'Nuff said)
Darth Bane: Rule of Two by Drew Karpyshyn (Direct sequel to the above. Just came out)

That list, imho, represents the absolute best the EU has to offer. Great books, all (though I'm admittedly only halfway through "Rule of Two").

The "Republic Commando" books are pretty good, too... if a bit pandering to fans at times (especially the 501st). There are three of them now and all are available in softcover for about $6 a piece.

Excellent list Irish. These are pretty much my favorite SW books of all time! My wife even loves the Republic Commando books, I got her hooked after the second one came out.

I'm currently reading Darth Bane: Rule of Two, and it's really really good. Karpyshyn always opens my minds eye and I can totally picture everything as if it were happening right in front of me.
A final recommendation is Death Star by Michael Reeves and Steve Perry. I haven't read it, but since it chronicles the Death Star more than an expansion plot you may enjoy it.

I just got finished reading this. It starts before ANH and ends where ANH does, but it fleshes out some of the story from the perspective of characters on the Death Star. There are scenes exactly from ANH as well as some extended scenes. The Darth Vader vs. Obi-Wan battle takes on a whole new level of coolness. If you're a fan of Tarkin and Vader, this book shouldn't be missed. :rock

Star Wars: Red Harvest

This title will be released on December 28, 2010.

Product Description
The era of the Old Republic is a dark and dangerous time, as Jedi Knights valiantly battle the Sith Lords and their ruthless armies. But the Sith have disturbing plans—and none more so than the fulfillment of Darth Scabrous’s fanatical dream, which is about to become nightmarish reality.

Unlike those other Jedi sidelined to the Agricultural Corps—young Jedi whose abilities have not proved up to snuff—Hestizo Trace possesses one extraordinary Force talent: a gift with plants. Suddenly her quiet existence among greenhouse and garden specimens is violently destroyed by the arrival of an emissary from Darth Scabrous. For the rare black orchid that she has nurtured and bonded with is the final ingredient in an ancient Sith formula that promises to grant Darth Scabrous his greatest desire.

But at the heart of the formula is a never-before-seen virus that’s worse than fatal—it doesn’t just kill, it transforms. Now the rotting, ravenous dead are rising, driven by a bloodthirsty hunger for all things living—and commanded by a Sith Master with an insatiable lust for power and the ultimate prize: immortality . . . no matter the cost.

Star Wars: Red Harvest

This title will be released on December 28, 2010.

Product Description
The era of the Old Republic is a dark and dangerous time, as Jedi Knights valiantly battle the Sith Lords and their ruthless armies. But the Sith have disturbing plans—and none more so than the fulfillment of Darth Scabrous’s fanatical dream, which is about to become nightmarish reality.

Unlike those other Jedi sidelined to the Agricultural Corps—young Jedi whose abilities have not proved up to snuff—Hestizo Trace possesses one extraordinary Force talent: a gift with plants. Suddenly her quiet existence among greenhouse and garden specimens is violently destroyed by the arrival of an emissary from Darth Scabrous. For the rare black orchid that she has nurtured and bonded with is the final ingredient in an ancient Sith formula that promises to grant Darth Scabrous his greatest desire.

But at the heart of the formula is a never-before-seen virus that’s worse than fatal—it doesn’t just kill, it transforms. Now the rotting, ravenous dead are rising, driven by a bloodthirsty hunger for all things living—and commanded by a Sith Master with an insatiable lust for power and the ultimate prize: immortality . . . no matter the cost.

Very nice. Will be using my giftcards to get this.