Star Wars: The Bad Batch Disney + Animated Show

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Huh, I always thought they were obedient through genetic engineering and rigorous training, not because of chips. Kinda like that Kurt Russell movie from the 90s.

That's what I really don't like about Star Wars. The story is always changing. Back in the day we were getting pissed because the prequels were contradicting the originals, now enough time has passed for them to start messing with the lore established in the prequels. :lol

That little Jango Fett clone girl is ridiculous, I just looked it up after that link. Now I see why Jye is meming her.

Man this franchise just loves to mess with it's history. Boba Fett couldn't just be a cool bounty hunter that was good at his craft, no, he had to be a clone of the real Fett who also volunteered to be the host of a clone army which is ridiculous. Then decades later, that cool clone army couldn't just be an army of identical, hardened soldiers that follow every order without question, oh no, gotta inject more story with batches, personalities and drama. Same with Anakin. In Revenge of the Sith, not being given the rank of master was one of the reasons he turned on the Jedi. Now we find out that oh, this dude had a secret apprentice girl. Get out of here.

I thought the whole point of a clone trooper, as established in the early 2000s, was to create an unyielding soldier that lived and died by military code, not a bunch of slack jawed pansies that get sentimental about their Jedi generals and good guys. That's one of the few things I liked about the prequels as depicted in the films. The clones were actually competent bad guys, not as clumsy as Stormtroopers and Battledroids. Clones were an actual threat and it's even better because they start out on the same side. There's no weeping when it comes time to pull the guns out on the Jedi, they just do it because following orders is what they were CREATED to do. We all knew when these black and white "good guys" landed in that arena, they were going to take out the heroes. Those early poster advertisements with thousands of them behind Dooku, Jango and Palpatine in the rain said it all. Injecting pathos into them just seems wrong and goes against the point of their existence to begin with.

This batch stuff and stuff with like clone Rex and Ahsoka Tano is pretty lame. Dude is crying because his chip isn't working or whatever and he's conflicted cuz orange butt cheeks. This is the kinda stuff a 4 year old writes. :lol

Before TPM came out, I always imagined the clones as more ambiguous. Not one man cloned, but from many. A very 80's feel about it. But Lucas was probably right, make it simple bad vs. good, lots of troops and lots of variations. Lucas knows how to make a buck.

Long term storytelling involves lots of people and emotions. Nothing interesting about mindless troops. In your mind's eye you just have to create a lore that works for you. There is so much out there that logically a good amount will contradict itself.

Lore doesn't matter. Merchandising does.
The deeper you go, the more it all falls apart.

Tell that to Jye's wife. There's NO bottoming out on that piece! It's heaven.

Before TPM came out, I always imagined the clones as more ambiguous. Not one man cloned, but from many. A very 80's feel about it. But Lucas was probably right, make it simple bad vs. good, lots of troops and lots of variations. Lucas knows how to make a buck.

Long term storytelling involves lots of people and emotions. Nothing interesting about mindless troops. In your mind's eye you just have to create a lore that works for you. There is so much out there that logically a good amount will contradict itself.

Lore doesn't matter. Merchandising does.

True. It's like the comic book stories from the 90s where you could tell they ran out of ideas but started having all these secret origins and clone sagas.

I just don't like how complicated all these stories are now, things used to be so much simpler. Superman can't just be Superman. No, now Kryptonians are genetically modified and Kal-El has a super secret codex in his DNA. The stories are just getting more and more complex so they can go on and on forever. Now it all just feels like cheap fan fiction that have made it to reality.

I'm really surprised Disney hasn't brought Luuke back from the expanded universe for one of those shows. If they could retrieve his lightsaber for the movies, surely they could retrieve his hand to make a clone.
I wonder if Star Wars is just so big that it can never be rebooted?

I'm sure it occurred to Disney to consider a complete reboot of Star Wars... but it is so prevalent and so disseminated throughout the world that there would be no way it could be accepted or worked into the current 'religion' that is Star Wars.

Personally, I think it would be really interesting to see a completely new take on Star Wars... but then what the hell do you do with the one-off? Star Wars is never gone from pop culture long enough for people to give a new take credence. Best they could do is take a new story to a new place in the same galaxy and tell a whole new story that has nothing to do with clones or jedi or the empire or Skywalkers or anything... but then its not Star Wars.

I'd really like to see a completely different Chewbacca. Try to imagine an R2 you never imagined before. A wholly different masked Darth Vader. A Death Star that isn't a moon-sized ball in space... perhaps it appears burning like a 'star' from all the metalwork being done in so many places to finish it. It could be really interesting...
Personally, I think it would be really interesting to see a completely new take on Star Wars.

Where were you six years ago bro? They already tried that.

Try to imagine an R2 you never imagined before.


A wholly different masked Darth Vader.


A Death Star that isn't a moon-sized ball in space

death star.jpg

Now, imagine if you will, Yoda like you never imagined before!


And Boba Fett!


I'm sure the next Chewbacca will be just as interesting.
But that was the problem, it was all so derivative.

I guess its truly hard for filmmakers, and the audience, to even begin to imagine a completely different take. It would literally be like re-envisioning Christianity. It would likely never be accepted.
I do know what you mean though, and I'd like to see that too. I think it could be done but the creative force behind it would have to have never seen any of the Star Wars movies before.

You'd have to have a creative genius that was just taking the words off a page and putting their own artistic spin on it. Basically someone like Ralph Mcquarrie who was interpreting what the world actually was back in 1975.
I do know what you mean though, and I'd like to see that too. I think it could be done but the creative force behind it would have to have never seen any of the Star Wars movies before.

You'd have to have a creative genius that was just taking the words off a page and putting their own artistic spin on it. Basically someone like Ralph Mcquarrie who was interpreting what the world actually was back in 1975.

Yes, if an artist read just the original book (script) or something and started doodling ideas... you might end up with a strange new world.

I guess in the end it is a pointless endeavor really though, because it is still Star Wars. Be better off with that genius to create something wholly new altogether.

I get so bored with the constant repetition on the motifs:

Boba --> Jango --> Mando

Vader --> Maul --> Kylo
Besides the same gear... the same outfit... the same job... the same simple man with little to say bounty hunter bad ass with his own code of honor... yeah, all very different. :lol
I don't really see Mando as being anything like Jango or Boba other than them having helmets with T-Visors though.

Boba (formely Jango) Fett - cool bounty hunter dude with armor, helmet and a jet pack

Mando - cool bounty hunter dude with armor, helmet and a jet pack

Both western inspired and ain't afraid of nuthin. It's just like Baby Yoda. Bunch of suits sat in an office and did a group think like they did with BB8. "Okay, how do we do a character that looks and acts like Yoda, but isn't Yoda". Hmmm, how about we make him younger, give him a lightsaber and have him do flips? "It's already been done". How about we make him a baby? BRILLIANT


Yeah Wor beat me to it.

Still doesn't make sense to me why they just didn't do a BOBA FETT show in the first place. So bizarre. Then to make it even stranger, they go through with the Mandalorian, to only then make a Boba Fett spin-off after the fact. I don't get it.

Actually I do get it. You can make the same action figure out of 3-4 different characters (and all their outfits) now.
Besides the same gear... the same outfit... the same job... the same simple man with little to say bounty hunter bad ass with his own code of honor... yeah, all very different. :lol

So if you work at the same job, wear a uniform and follow the same guidlines, that makes you the same person as your coworker? :lol

Sure on a surface level they are similar, but they're hardly the same character :lol
Do Star Wars characters have depth beyond surface level anymore? :lol
Boba (formely Jango) Fett - cool bounty hunter dude with armor, helmet and a jet pack

Mando - cool bounty hunter dude with armor, helmet and a jet pack

Both western inspired and ain't afraid of nuthin. It's just like Baby Yoda. Bunch of suits sat in an office and did a group think like they did with BB8. "Okay, how do we do a character that looks and acts like Yoda, but isn't Yoda". Hmmm, how about we make him younger, give him a lightsaber and have him do flips? "It's already been done". How about we make him a baby? BRILLIANT


Yeah Wor beat me to it.

Still doesn't make sense to me why they just didn't do a BOBA FETT show in the first place. So bizarre. Then to make it even stranger, they go through with the Mandalorian, to only then make a Boba Fett spin-off after the fact. I don't get it.

Actually I do get it. You can make the same action figure out of 3-4 different characters (and all their outfits) now.

CW fans want to see live action Mandalore civil war / Mandalore vs Empire remnants

It’s always about what you want sheesh lol
CW fans want to see live action Mandalore civil war / Mandalore vs Empire remnants

It’s always about what you want sheesh lol

When I was a kid, Boba Fett's flight suit was pieced together and sourced from different armors and the helmet happened to be from the extinct Mandalorian race from the old republic. The helmet looked modified, like he added the range finder and the little bits and doo-dads. He was just a guy, you could make up any story you wanted. His origin was whatever you thought up on your living room table. He was like the anti-Han Solo. You know, the Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker. The most interesting thing about Han Solo was his ship. Fett was no different. No secret origin, no hidden past. He was just a dude that Vader hired and that was cool enough, same with all of his other buddies. His story was in the trophy braids and the dinged up armor he wore.

Fast forward to now, ALL of Boba Fett's armor is Mandalorian, (and they all look like variations of him) made out of vibranium and the Mandalorians aren't extinct, there are tribes everywhere (and even female Boba Fetts with ****y armor and clown hair)! They're all like Power Rangers. He's also responsible for all the troopers in the galaxy.

What a world, what a galaxy. So big, so expansive!