Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

Collector Freaks Forum

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That's the gif you made so much noise about? That ain't no wrestler... It's Biff Effin Tannen! :lol
Walo Ren
Kyso Ren
Skol Ren
Allo Ren

...he should have just kept Ben. Ben Ren.

'Arise, Lord Ram Jam...'

Honestly, I think the term 'Darth' not being used in any capacity is just another effort on Disney's part to distance this film from the prequels and the old EU (RIP childhood). The prequels alone gave us lots of Darths (Maul, Tyrannus, Plagueis, Sidious), the producers presumably made a conscious decision to scrap this convention.
a-dev, I could kiss you!

You did what DiFabio and Clown couldn't, you found the wrestler with a gun gif that I have been searching my whole life for.

Oh yeah, I've posted that gif a bunch of times. ****, you were saying wrestler, of course I had no idea what you were talking about. :lol
Oh yeah, I've posted that gif a bunch of times. ****, you were saying wrestler, of course I had no idea what you were talking about. :lol

Is that Biff from BTTF 2 or 3?

I never watched either! :slap

Can anyone PLEASE help me find gif of the two wrestlers swinging their lightsabers in front of each other without either ever hitting the other wrestler?

:lol :lol :lol
and for the record, I don't have mod powers in this section, or the Star Wars sections.
But you could use them in this section if you wanted to right?

Josh has banned/infracted/deleted my posts in like every section on the site. :lol
More like this:

But you could use them in this section if you wanted to right?

Josh has banned/infracted/deleted my posts in like every section on the site. :lol
No. That's the definition of having powers, isn't it? Mods can infract anywhere, but can only modify/delete/close posts or threads in their assigned sections.