Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Steven Weintraub ‏@colliderfrosty
someone sent it to me. Since I’m flying tomorrow decided to watch. Won’t lie, I’m so Frelling excited for STAR WARS right now. Great teaser.

Matt Shell @shellshiznit Follow WOW! I hope you like the trailer as much as that last tweet! What a response and I PROMISE, the trailer is much better!
1:45 AM - 28 Nov 2014 El Dorado Hills, CA, United States

Pieter J. Ketelaar 3 @PieterJKetelaar Follow I have seen the #StarWarsEpisodeVII teaser trailer. You. Have. No. Idea. #StarWars #TheForceAwakens
8:07 PM - 27 Nov 2014

gufte @gufte1 @PieterJKetelaar @PieterJKetelaar WOW. Congrats man. Hate the prequels, love the OT. You think I'll like it?

Steven Weintraub ‏@colliderfrosty
someone sent it to me. Since I’m flying tomorrow decided to watch. Won’t lie, I’m so Frelling excited for STAR WARS right now. Great teaser.

Matt Shell @shellshiznit Follow WOW! I hope you like the trailer as much as that last tweet! What a response and I PROMISE, the trailer is much better!
1:45 AM - 28 Nov 2014 El Dorado Hills, CA, United States

Pieter J. Ketelaar 3 @PieterJKetelaar Follow I have seen the #StarWarsEpisodeVII teaser trailer. You. Have. No. Idea. #StarWars #TheForceAwakens
8:07 PM - 27 Nov 2014

gufte @gufte1 @PieterJKetelaar @PieterJKetelaar WOW. Congrats man. Hate the prequels, love the OT. You think I'll like it?

Are any of those tweets from known peeps?
Only asking because there is always a rush of attention seekers claiming to have seen something just before its released.

having said that, someone must have seen it by now!
EU was dead to me the moment I heard Chewie got ***** slapped by a Imperial cruiser...
A moon landed on him. :lecture
Odd, like if that's not what you'd expect from 22 years old franchise mostly existed via constant nostalgic hype and books...

Anyway, EU had tons of awesome and great things which I loved so this reboot of the franchise is something I cannot accept.
Anyway, EU had tons of awesome and great things which I loved so this reboot of the franchise is something I cannot accept.

EU had no chance in being canon once new movies after Jedi were announced. I can understand the disappointmnet in saying they never happened, but I'd call them AU not EU (alternative universe) now
Ah! Good term indeed.
I will call Disney related stuff AU from now on :lol

Actually, I think that's what most of OT purists do in relation to PT.