Super Freak
From the side.. in a couple.
The only way she's likely to spew green **** though, is if Lucas came back for 8 & 9.
The only way she's likely to spew green **** though, is if Lucas came back for 8 & 9.

I'll have you know that I previously unleashed that bounty before you joined. In fact to this day it accounts for 80% of my rep points.
Don't talk to me about rep points, mister. I don't want to know about your past. On second thought, I do want to know about your past. What was that first part? You mean to tell me you've shared your load of pics before? With others? Trollop.
Film the entire damn thing in one aspect ratio or don't bother.
They always say things to sell their product.I thought Abrams specifically said that he was going retro; 35 mm film stock, no digital, 3D or IMAX.
If the story and visuals are solid, I can enjoy whatever without a special screen.
Arclight Cinedome in Los Angeles is like that. That's where I saw Return of the King.
LA will support stuff like that.
Out here the mouthbreathers had no idea what a gem that theater was. If someone had painted a big stupid Cornhusker "N" on the side it would still be here today.
The legal *********s that spearheaded the demolition made the whole thing happen in roughly a month from initial announcement to pile of rubble. Quick enough to avoid the theater being declared a protected landmark (which should've happened years earlier.)
This is why we can't have nice things.
EDIT: This is the screen I saw Star Wars on for the first time in 1977, and all the big movies of the 70's and 80's, so I took the demolition a bit personally.
Growing up we had one of the last (and largest ever) Cinerama screen - the Indian Hills Theater in Omaha NE. It had a concave shape to the screen so it would wrap around slightly and fill your peripheral vision. It was amazing. IMAX sucks compared to that screen.
The theater went broke because it couldn't compete with 24 screen multiplexes. They tore it down because a medical school wanted a larger parking lot. Four years later the school moved. F---ers.
LA will support stuff like that.
Out here the mouthbreathers had no idea what a gem that theater was. If someone had painted a big stupid Cornhusker "N" on the side it would still be here today.
The legal *********s that spearheaded the demolition made the whole thing happen in roughly a month from initial announcement to pile of rubble. Quick enough to avoid the theater being declared a protected landmark (which should've happened years earlier.)
This is why we can't have nice things.
EDIT: This is the screen I saw Star Wars on for the first time in 1977, and all the big movies of the 70's and 80's, so I took the demolition a bit personally.
You're being irrational and unfair and you know it. You can't possibly take me to task for my having spread the good news before I even knew you. I suppose you were keeping it all to yourself before you joined this forum eh? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Out here the mouthbreathers had no idea what a gem that theater was. If someone had painted a big stupid Cornhusker "N" on the side it would still be here today.