I was stationed in Japan for two years and never experienced any racism from any Japanese national; only from other US servicemen (mostly USAF or US Soldiers).
Of course ones mileage does vary.
Johnson was correct. We didn't "need" any additional info on Snoke. He knew he was evil, had powers, and had minions. The end.
Movies are allowed to simply drop a threat into the protagonists' laps without having to spell out every ounce of backstory on who the bad guys are. Apparently the Star Wars prequels and films like Prometheus and AVP have robbed some movie goers of having any ability to use their imaginations, fill in blanks, or just accept a threat at face value.
I can easily say this because many of the best films ever made had even less backstory than what we've gotten in TFA/TLJ.
In ANH Obi-Wan described the Force to Luke and that Vader used to be his pupil before he turned but said *nothing* of the Emperor. Nor did ESB. And then in ROTJ when the Emperor finally made his full appearance we didn't learn so much as his *name.* He was just "Evil Bastard in Black Who Wants to Kill the Heroes." The end.
In TLJ Snoke = The Emperor and Kylo = Vader. And do you know what? We've been given much more info on Kylo than we ever got on Vader in the OT. We never knew why Vader turned, what lead to him wearing the suit, any of that. But with Kylo we've gotten as much info in two films as we got on Vader in *six.* So the sequels aren't lacking on backstory exposition.
Sometimes films can just have villains that show up and "do what they do." Snoke's history was absolutely not important to Rey's story, no more important than the Emperor's was to Luke's. Sometimes people need to step back from being obsessive fans who pour over every ounce of irrelevant minutiae and just let these stories just function with the same rules as any other film.
Did u ever see or hear the japanese trash talk other asian people?
Xenophobic for sure, Chinese are kinda known for that..
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I was referring the the Chinese.....the Japanese people were incredible....we were there during tourist season and the Chinese were everywhere...I was stationed in Japan for two years and never experienced any racism from any Japanese national; only from other US servicemen (mostly USAF or US Soldiers).
Of course ones mileage does vary.
The last Jedi is the worst of all star wars movies.. You can take a pile of **** put it in a star wars box and call it whatever you want Disney but its still a pile of **** stuffed in a star wars box. The only thing this trash movie has in common with star wars is artificial (almost like a spoof or spaceballs ripoff); they took star wars characters, scenery and gadgets and inserted them into some **** that isn't star wars at heart. They changed the force so much that the force is now unrecognizable, its more like harry potter magic then anything that was established in previous film cannon, it allows its wielder to do anything. However, unlike harry potter anyone can wield this magic, whores, drunkards, people from broken homes, vagrants, thiefs humans aliens it doesn't matter. Also unlike harry potter, training is not required nor do you need to be from a special lineage or blood line. You are born knowing everything about the force and once it unlocks (like a switch) inside you, you are instantly a grand master of magic. The most important thing in determining your power and your infinity for good or evil is your sex. if you are born female your will be more gifted and powerful, you will always do whats right and just. You will be the light in this world. However if you are born male, you will be inferior and weak, have major character flaws and be influenced by darkness. You will be the evil in the world. There is no jedi, as the crazy old alien ***** sucking dude said, the jedi must end, they are now called the witches of eastwick. Also when you recieve a stick that looks like a broomstick, its not a broom its your new wizards wand. The witches of Eastwick do not use sabers, they are clumsy and archaic since it requires the use of your hands. You no longer need your corporeal body, you have special gifts that allow you to project images of youself all over the galaxy. When all else fails just ask Rey, your savior, she knows everything and can do everything just because she is a woman. If Rey is not around just ask the closest female near you, she will have the answer you are looking for.
The last Jedi is the worst of all star wars movies.. You can take a pile of **** put it in a star wars box and call it whatever you want Disney but its still a pile of **** stuffed in a star wars box. The only thing this trash movie has in common with star wars is artificial (almost like a spoof or spaceballs ripoff); they took star wars characters, scenery and gadgets and inserted them into some **** that isn't star wars at heart. They changed the force so much that the force is now unrecognizable, its more like harry potter magic then anything that was established in previous film cannon, it allows its wielder to do anything. However, unlike harry potter anyone can wield this magic, whores, drunkards, people from broken homes, vagrants, thiefs humans aliens it doesn't matter. Also unlike harry potter, training is not required nor do you need to be from a special lineage or blood line. You are born knowing everything about the force and once it unlocks (like a switch) inside you, you are instantly a grand master of magic. The most important thing in determining your power and your infinity for good or evil is your sex. if you are born female your will be more gifted and powerful, you will always do whats right and just. You will be the light in this world. However if you are born male, you will be inferior and weak, have major character flaws and be influenced by darkness. You will be the evil in the world. There is no jedi, as the crazy old alien ***** sucking dude said, the jedi must end, they are now called the witches of eastwick. Also when you recieve a stick that looks like a broomstick, its not a broom its your new wizards wand. The witches of Eastwick do not use sabers, they are clumsy and archaic since it requires the use of your hands. You no longer need your corporeal body, you have special gifts that allow you to project images of youself all over the galaxy. When all else fails just ask Rey, your savior, she knows everything and can do everything just because she is a woman. If Rey is not around just ask the closest female near you, she will have the answer you are looking for.
Funny thing is: most of the force we see in this movie, has already been done in The Clone Wars or Rebels. So blame Lucas for teaching Filoni if you're upset with the force in this movie.![]()
The last Jedi is the worst of all star wars movies.. You can take a pile of **** put it in a star wars box and call it whatever you want Disney but its still a pile of **** stuffed in a star wars box. The only thing this trash movie has in common with star wars is artificial (almost like a spoof or spaceballs ripoff); they took star wars characters, scenery and gadgets and inserted them into some **** that isn't star wars at heart. They changed the force so much that the force is now unrecognizable, its more like harry potter magic then anything that was established in previous film cannon, it allows its wielder to do anything. However, unlike harry potter anyone can wield this magic, whores, drunkards, people from broken homes, vagrants, thiefs humans aliens it doesn't matter. Also unlike harry potter, training is not required nor do you need to be from a special lineage or blood line. You are born knowing everything about the force and once it unlocks (like a switch) inside you, you are instantly a grand master of magic. The most important thing in determining your power and your infinity for good or evil is your sex. if you are born female your will be more gifted and powerful, you will always do whats right and just. You will be the light in this world. However if you are born male, you will be inferior and weak, have major character flaws and be influenced by darkness. You will be the evil in the world. There is no jedi, as the crazy old alien ***** sucking dude said, the jedi must end, they are now called the witches of eastwick. Also when you recieve a stick that looks like a broomstick, its not a broom its your new wizards wand. The witches of Eastwick do not use sabers, they are clumsy and archaic since it requires the use of your hands. You no longer need your corporeal body, you have special gifts that allow you to project images of youself all over the galaxy. When all else fails just ask Rey, your savior, she knows everything and can do everything just because she is a woman. If Rey is not around just ask the closest female near you, she will have the answer you are looking for.
Funny thing is: most of the force we see in this movie, has already been done in The Clone Wars or Rebels. So blame Lucas for teaching Filoni if you're upset with the force in this movie.![]()
I've seen every Clone Wars & Rebels episode. Don't remember seeing anything that made me think differently or contradictory to what we know about the Force. Did I miss something/anything? Would you care to enlighten us with some examples? I really don't remember..
The last Jedi is the worst of all star wars movies.. You can take a pile of **** put it in a star wars box and call it whatever you want Disney but its still a pile of **** stuffed in a star wars box. The only thing this trash movie has in common with star wars is artificial (almost like a spoof or spaceballs ripoff); they took star wars characters, scenery and gadgets and inserted them into some **** that isn't star wars at heart. They changed the force so much that the force is now unrecognizable, its more like harry potter magic then anything that was established in previous film cannon, it allows its wielder to do anything. However, unlike harry potter anyone can wield this magic, whores, drunkards, people from broken homes, vagrants, thiefs humans aliens it doesn't matter. Also unlike harry potter, training is not required nor do you need to be from a special lineage or blood line. You are born knowing everything about the force and once it unlocks (like a switch) inside you, you are instantly a grand master of magic. The most important thing in determining your power and your infinity for good or evil is your sex. if you are born female your will be more gifted and powerful, you will always do whats right and just. You will be the light in this world. However if you are born male, you will be inferior and weak, have major character flaws and be influenced by darkness. You will be the evil in the world. There is no jedi, as the crazy old alien ***** sucking dude said, the jedi must end, they are now called the witches of eastwick. Also when you recieve a stick that looks like a broomstick, its not a broom its your new wizards wand. The witches of Eastwick do not use sabers, they are clumsy and archaic since it requires the use of your hands. You no longer need your corporeal body, you have special gifts that allow you to project images of youself all over the galaxy. When all else fails just ask Rey, your savior, she knows everything and can do everything just because she is a woman. If Rey is not around just ask the closest female near you, she will have the answer you are looking for.
And he didn't die?!?!?!?!Same in Rebels where Yoda shows up as a force projection to Ezra and later (shortly) Ahsoka.
I've seen people complain about Yoda using the force as a force ghost, but we see Qui Gon use the force as a force ghost when he first contacts Yoda in the Clone Wars. And remember that Qui Gon hadn't really mastered it fully yet, where as Yoda has.
Same in Rebels where Yoda shows up as a force projection to Ezra and later (shortly) Ahsoka.
Lol thats it?? What about force projections used for interstellar comminication and projecting force images that can create inanimate objects and interact with the living at whim or be transluscent if the plot calls for it, using the force to breath in space and survive explosions, force stasis massage- using the force to stop people in thier tracks, freeze them and torcher them at the same time. Using the force to wield sabers, not saber throw mind you but ignite and move it without your hands. Why did jedi ever use thier hands, why didnt luke use the same trick to kill the emperor as kylo ren.. he wanted too and would have but instead he forced pulled it to him, you know force pull not force ignite pull and slice in half all at once. Why didnt jedi use the interstellar communication ability before, why didnt they just send projections of themselves on to the battlefield to entice a surrender? Why didnt they just fight battles from their couches?? Why dont jedi have to train anymore, why is the force now lile a switch that turns on in off, it needs no honing of skill. Why did kk have to turn the force into harry potter magic? Why are only females good and just and the most powerful magic users
I've seen people complain about Yoda using the force as a force ghost, but we see Qui Gon use the force as a force ghost when he first contacts Yoda in the Clone Wars. And remember that Qui Gon hadn't really mastered it fully yet, where as Yoda has.
Same in Rebels where Yoda shows up as a force projection to Ezra and later (shortly) Ahsoka.
Just my thoughts....
Vader was never THE main character in the OT, it was Luke's journey, yet his character progressed enough to know plenty of who he was. Dialogue between Obi-Wan & Luke explained a lot more about his backstory. Keeping a mystery helps the audience to want to learn more. Vader was perfect. We knew he was good, then turned evil, then redeemed by his son Luke in the end. A complete character arc.
The Emperor was never hinted at as being important. NO one talked about him to create this air of mystery. Snoke was designed exactly as that. We saw much more of him in 2 movies, than the Emperor in 3. He had dialogue and purpose. Han talked about him, Leia talked about him, as if he was a main part of the plot & story, not just a simple antagonist. They wanted us to want to know more. Lucas didn't do that with the Emperor. He didn't even have a name. Simply The Emperor. He was never called Palpatine till the PT. We knew Snoke's name. Supreme Leader Snoke. Never just referred to as Supreme Leader. Then they just killed him. A big let down after making you feel his character was much more important than he was. Hux wasn't important. No one cared. No one made up fanfiction back stories for Hux. Snoke was different. Almost every fan wanted to know more.
Kylo is a main character. The ST focuses on both him & Rey. THEY are the Luke of the OT. Everyone else is secondary (Poe, Finn, Luke, Han, Leia, Rose (ugh)...) Kylo is much more than Vader ever was as far as importance to the story, and for Disney having characters they created to continue on in importance and scope to their saga movies.