People are hard coded to hate anything Disney does with Star Wars...
Many people came to hate what GL did with the PT.
But the genetic reaction to anything DIS does seems more visceral than anything GL did....maybe he gets a pass for being the creator.
To me , Walt Disney company might be the best entertainment company in history. Just look at the overall track record. They have continually appealed to the greater audience with stories that had true substance and really touched the heart.
Unfortunately , there are people who will always consider DIS a sugar coated Kids fairy tale company that only makes princess drones out of boys and girls....
It’s never been that way, but many people see it that way.
I am enjoying all the new films and the new directions they are trying.
It does not matter if a single actor likes it or not. If Hamill is really so against it he could refuse to do any further films and return the huge checks he is getting.
I think it’s hard for people to accept that ....people are enjoying the new films, and you childhood hero really didn’t care one way or the other in the end.....the check in his bank account is all that really matters.
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Not sure what you mean by this anti-Disney thing coloring views of TLJ. I loved Alice in Wonderland, really like a number of MCU movies and even enjoyed a few of their Princess movies like Frozen.
While I despise what Disney has done as a company by stealing from theater owners with their 65% shakedown over TLJ, and with their purchase of Fox have increasing power over (already diminished) film critics, and get what people mean by "Disney-ifying" of something - but nothing about what I felt about TLJ had to do with any negative view of Disney both as company and ideology.
In terms of the SJW thing - that's just a social trend right at the moment (driven by the thought behind #oscarssowhite, #blacklivesmatter, #metoo, etc) so you can't blame LFL or Disney for jumping on that bandwagon. Movies have long embraced what is hot at that moment to make their product seem more relevant, and SW has certainly been both derided and applauded in terms of inclusion and representation in the past, so it's not like the two things exist in separate spaces.
Going strong and growing its fan base along the way. More and more are coming to appreciate this little movie.
Yup - I'm buying RO on Blu Ray soon. Never thought that would happen. I'm now in the "OT is SW... and movies set inside the OT" camp. TLJ ended the ST for me.
People didn't hate the prequels as much as people now make it out to be, they were pretty well reviewed and made a ton of money, sure it wasn't as great as people wanted but it's only been in more recent years that things have largely turned super negative about them, mostly because people who didn't like them are very loud about it.
Adjusted for inflation, all of the prequels made more than a billion worldwide, and remarkably, all had quite high multipliers, meaning higher than normal repeat business. I really didn't care for any of them (parts of ROTS I consider watchable) and saw each only once but the numbers alone suggest more "liking" going on than the flat rejection you'd expect. I like to think fans kept seeing them over and over expecting them to improve.
I honestly can't say the confusion and revulsion I felt after TLJ came close to the stunned, stumbling vertigo I felt after TPM. Well after midnight outside Mann's Chinese, my friends' mouths moving and me not hearing them, people dressed as Maul and Padme all around me - it was like Dante's Inferno. It was the kick-off to the post-OT world of SW