Space Sloth. Space Sloth is all you need to know. SPACE SLOTH!
Rumors are that Episode 9 just shows an image of Rey for 3 hours.
Carrie was a drug addict period. Sad but true.(seems some SW fans don't want this to be true) Looked way beyond her years...Years ago. Looked as old as her mother at times.
If these plot rumors for Ep8 are true, TLJ is gonna make the prequels look Oscar worthy as cinema masterpieces..
I always said Disney was gonna ruin Star Wars....At least I have Rogue one to enjoy...
nah, they'll do Ep IX as a voyeur thing, Rey will watch US for 3hrs....already stole a pic of it....
The fact that Carrie's death was 100% avoidable makes it all the more tragic, not awesome or cool. Debbie Reynolds possibly died as a result of the emotional trauma. Billie Lourd is crushed. Millions of fans still mourn her passing, including myself. Sad indeed.
So you've pretty much ruled out the majority of her head.
She's still kinda cute... Although those eyelashes could be better.
You know Disney made that Star Wars movies right?
So the han solo director quit in the middle of directing
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Mhm, she's cute when her mouth is covered...
If we could only do something about that forehead...
Her eyebrows appear to be actual hair. I approve of this.
Needs a DAMAGED tat?
Mhm, she's cute when her mouth is covered...
If we could only do something about that forehead...