Broke and happy

Btw for some odd reason Kansas reminds me of Gal Gadot.
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Btw for some odd reason Kansas reminds me of Gal Gadot.
All the Porgs will be is the cute character for a laugh reaction...
BB will be stuck with Poe for the film, and they do not want us laughing at Rey or Luke ....so Porgs are the side kick for that crew
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Because both are flat?
Congrats you have arrived at the part of your life were you are offering Porg analysis lol
Which reminds me I need to call my wall street broker to discuss Porg futures.
Remember you said it not I lol
Luke is now a heavyset older gentleman. I'm not sure what you guys think would be "cool" for him to do with his lightsaber? Jump around, do flips and kicks? He'll look like a *******.
Hope he remains restrained, like when he first arrived at Jabba's palace in Jedi. Just force push people around, or Jedi mind-trick them.
If he brandishes his saber, I hope its for simple defensive moves to help others escape, then he can be captured (or killed like Ben). I'm now assuming he's captured, given the issue with Leia's availability.
I just saw him a few months ago. No way could he be described as anything close to "heavyset"! I think you're just looking at his old man face and thinking he's heavy.
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I just saw him a few months ago. No way could he be described as anything close to "heavyset"! I think you're just looking at his old man face and thinking he's heavy.
Btw for some odd reason Kansas reminds me of Gal Gadot.
Well now that Disney/Netflix put a hold on The Punisher series because of the Vegas shooting what happens if there is another mass shooting during the same week of TLJ release will Disney delay the opening? I mean stormtroopers and Phasma do shoot to kill, right.
And it’s not a question of IF there will be another mass shooting in the USA it’s just a matter of when.
...but I carry to the theater when I go....
Totally understandable....people probably not too interested I. Seeing a guy spray bullets all over.
Let's hope some nut is not waiting for TLJ to unleash his stupidity.....
I wouldn't tell most folks this...but I carry to the theater when I go....even thou technically it's not allowed....
The only place I do not carry these days is school (out of respect) and courts...
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I wish the kids checking their phone every 10 minutes during the movie knew that.
I always wish I could do this...