about new Disney owned franchises is the new disco lolI thought GOTG was the new disco?
I've said this before but if you took all 3 PT movies and edited out all the crap from each of them and kept all the good scenes you could make a single decent movie.
The Hobbit trilogy maybe...
New lucky charms...Porg marshmallows added about new Disney owned franchises is the new disco lol
Your story is extremely detailed but I'm afraid way too complicated for children, which is what Star Wars is for after all. Disney wants legions of children to grow up dedicated to Star Wars.
Plus, you are dismissing Kylo and giving Snoke his story. I believe Snoke will remain the Palpatine-villain... and it is Kylo who will fulfill his grandfather's destiny -- meaning bring balance to the force by saving Rey and killing Snoke in a Vader-esque sacrifice (which is not the destiny he's dreaming of, but it is the destiny he is destined for). I've said so from day one and I still believe this to be the basic repetitive storyline in keeping with Skywalker lore. I see nothing in the trailer to dismiss that theory. Of course we won't know until 2019 when this thing finally finishes.
I doubt Johnson would agree to participate in a straight up rehash of the OT. Abrams would, but Johnson, no.
We shall see....
Rian can do what he wants -- he has the middle one. Disney brought back JJ for a reason. The reason you just stated.
I'm 99.9% sure ...
JJ doesn't have to be micromanaged because he gives the best "corporate delivery" in the business.
By hiring JJ, Disney just put Star Wars on auto-pilot.
I find your lack of faith in JJ's artistic abilities disturbing. Now, had you said Ron Howard with HS - then you'd be on the money. With JJ, you're way off.
JJ is a great filmmaker. What people saw as "rehashed" in TFA didn't come from a safe studio mandate. It came from fanboyism at its best. He made the ROTJ sequel many thought couldn't be made. He did a fantastic job and most importantly - he cemented how powerful he is on set.
Look at that Weinstein Porg about to audition a new hire Porg.
Bend over if you want that role in Kill Porg 3.