But not as good as Bo Gullet
Is that a country singer?
While looking for a Rathtar gif I found this...

But not as good as Bo Gullet
Is that a country singer?
While looking for a Rathtar gif I found this...
Our weeping willow is named Bo Gullet......
My daughter loves the new Star Wars.......
There is NO demand in the under 30 crowd of the masses to see another Indy film- if Spielberg is foolish enough to make it it will be the flop of all flops as far as HUGE franchises of yesteryear
and Ready Player One looks as dull and hackneyed as I could possibly imagine
Then she should know the truth. She should know the name is Bor Gullet. Bor.
There is NO demand in the under 30 crowd of the masses to see another Indy film- if Spielberg is foolish enough to make it it will be the flop of all flops as far as HUGE franchises of yesteryear
and Ready Player One looks as dull and hackneyed as I could possibly imagine
Is that a country singer?
While looking for a Rathtar gif I found this...
I love it Man. Could I use that in my signature Wor-Gar?