Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Think of all the contradictory and exaggerated headlines and pieces of news that bombard the average person's mind on any given day.
Who actually audits box office figures for movies? Over the past 4 years, these figures seem like nothing more than but made up numbers used for PR. In fact, every big movie seems to have more and more ridiculous gains and losses, whether it's Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor 3 or Blade Runner and the Justice League. Most of what we see churned out from Hollywood is fake. The people are fake (as we've seen with all these scandals), the entertainment is fake, it wouldn't surprise me if the numbers are fake as well. As far as box office goes, it's "Hollywood Accounting". First they claim to have made billions/millions on any given project, but when it comes to tax time, all their movies "lose money". Seems like the reported box office figures and actual tax reporting are two different things.
When you have your director tweeting **** like this,
"When there’s a big movie I want to see I’ll usually wait till the third weekend. The energy’s just right by weekend 3. Gentle knowing nod to my fellow third weekenders."
Or Disney forcing theaters on how and when they need to show TLJ in their theater.
Or regular showings being dropped in favor of the more expensive 3D showings.
Or a bunch of news outlets coming to this movie's rescue against valid criticisms.
You know something's up.
Everything is smoke and mirrors. Everyone tries to project an image or feeling of themselves or their brand being better than it actually is.