Broke and happy
I was just thinking of Plaque as well lol
Are they still going on about the music cue to justify Plagueius?
Maybe Snoke is an actual 'Sith"... (note: term gets reinvented to mean an actual being, not a pupil of a belief e system). Maybe there are beings called Sith that started this whole Sith thing and Snoke is from a long-thought-dead line.
Point is: I think he will be a new take on Evil (or Sith in Star Wars lore)
I'm equating Plaqueis with ancient Sith.....
Or you mean really really ancient lol
Yes, way more ancient. Maybe beyond Sith... or the Dark Force that started the Sith.
Its more than the music.
A) Kylo's throwaway line "The Supreme Leader is Wise." I mean, why say that? Why use "Wise"?
B) They threw Luceno's novel out of the canon. They kept Tarkin, they kept Lords of The Sith but they dumped Plagueis. That's odd, no?
C) The Chosen One's mission was to destroy the Sith. He did (in VI) so HTF is The Sith back? Well, there's only one Sith who could cheat death.
B) to me, throwing out Plagueis would indicate they don't want to use him.
I think it'd be the opposite. If they didn't care about him in the movies they'd let him roam free in the canon (comics, novels, cartoon, etc). The fact that they went out of their way to clear him of all existing canon besides what was said about him in ROTS suggests they intend to do something with him in these new films.
I think it'd be the opposite. If they didn't care about him in the movies they'd let him roam free in the canon (comics, novels, cartoon, etc). The fact that they went out of their way to clear him of all existing canon besides what was said about him in ROTS suggests they intend to do something with him in these new films.
Seems to me they have other plans for this character.
Maybe Snoke is Plagueis *and* ancient. Maybe Palps wasn't his apprentice but told Anakin the legend just to ensnare him, not knowing if it was true or not.
An entity which is the actual embodiment of the Dark Side.
i.e. a Sith vergence?
Being Palps' master doesn't mean he's not Ancient. This thing knew how to raise itself from the dead so its gotta be old. Maybe a thousand years old. When the Jedi said the Sith had been extinct for a millenia Snoke/Plagueis and his Knights may be what they referred to.
*I still believe that Snoke/Plagueis's master is the real villain of this series. I think Snoke/Plagueis' plan is to raise a Dark-Sider from thousands of years ago which is the "Ren" figure Snoke and the Knights worship. An entity which is the actual embodiment of the Dark Side.
... a Dark-Sider from thousands of years ago which is the "Ren" figure Snoke and the Knights worship. An entity which is the actual embodiment of the Dark Side.
The Plagueis backstory just muddles it up and makes it too complicated for Disney.