Have you watch it yet, wor?
Yes, Monday night. I didn't have your enthusiasm for it unfortunately.
I do believe if you read the leaks beforehand they may not seem as bad as when you're not prepared. Maybe.
Have you watch it yet, wor?
It was Very Well done on screen atleast.
In all honesty, the leaks make certain things sound worse than it actually is. I read what happened to Luke, hated it, yet when I watched it, I loved it. I have to say, sure, I like the old films, but some of the acting, especially Hamill's, wasn't that great. There is a reason why he was always Luke Skywalker, where as Harrison went on to do more great things. But here, in this film? Mark has come a long way, his acting was great here.
That said, unless there is a rather massive time jump to episode 9, I don't think this ''sequel trilogy'' will be a trilogy. There could easily be another 3 films from where the ending left things.
But why did Luke have to "phone it in" as it were? Why the long distance battle? He could have easily raised his X-wing from the depths and flown in to do battle and died on the field. I assumed they showed that sunken x-wing for just that reason.
Just finished watching and WOW.
I think this is possibly THE best SW movie after Empire. I’m still soaking and playing it back in the back of my head - the action scenes, character development and seeing Luke back etc. Damn, I think this might even be better than Empire if I may be so bold![]()
The only benefit for the teleporting image is the 'all guns fire' gag.
But this movie is rife with subplots and storylines that go nowhere. From Snoke to the mission to the casino planet to Poe's "mutiny", all useless and pointless.
I just consider it all SW myself. I'm partial to the OT though of course being that's what I grew up with. However, that doesn't mean that I feel that everything else SW has to live up to it and if it doesn't, it sucks and is to be left out of canon. By default of the nostalgia I have for the OT, nothing else SW will live up to it, so I don't expect anyone to recapture that magic.
I don't particularly like TPM and AotC because I think both genuinely are soporific films, sans a few scenes. RotS though I enjoyed, and I enjoyed TFA and R1.
Have to disagree though that BW only produced the 84 Ghostbusters because of the release of the 2016 film. If that were the case, I would think that they would have made a set of the 2016 group as well. Them not doing so tells me they already knew that the 84 ones are more popular and if that is the case, I don't think anyone needed the 2016 film to be made to rekindle their love for the 84 film; if anything, all the 2016 release did was remind people how much/why they love the 84 film. Plus, there's no films that recently came out that suddenly gave them the impetus to make Tyler Durden and now Hannibal.
Of course they did announce the 84 group around the same time the 2016 film released, so I suppose it is possible that wasn't a coincidence. If they indeed only make the 84 group though because of the release of the 2016 film, I'm not sure why it took that.![]()
But why did Luke have to "phone it in" as it were? Why the long distance battle? He could have easily raised his X-wing from the depths and flown in to do battle and died on the field. I assumed they showed that sunken x-wing for just that reason.
The fact that BW - AND Soldier Story - acquired the GB license and announced figs in the same year the reboot comes out? That's a coincidentally coincident example of coincidence. And... mental compartmentalization of the highest degree.![]()
The 30th Anniversary of GB passes without a whimper... then as the reboot releases, there's also stuff from '84? Just thank the girls for your 1984 dolls.
And opinions aside, the bottom line is that the SW classic trilogy was culturally important - EVERYONE was fascinated by the story and characters and they were cultural touchstones that DEEPLY touched something intangible. The new movies and characters - all of them - will largely be forgotten in 20-30 years.
It calls so many things into question - like why did Ben go on his ANH adventure at all? He could have phoned the whole thing in and Vader's fatal swing would have been as harmless as Kylo's. Why couldn't Yoda have done the same thing to assist Luke on Bespin in ESB? Why would Vader put himself in danger and go down to Hoth when he could have "virtually" have been there?
It calls so many things into question - like why did Ben go on his ANH adventure at all? He could have phoned the whole thing in and Vader's fatal swing would have been as harmless as Kylo's. Why couldn't Yoda have done the same thing to assist Luke on Bespin in ESB? Why would Vader put himself in danger and go down to Hoth when he could have "virtually" have been there?
Will definitely need to watch TLJ a few more times to figure out what most positive reviewers saw that i didn't. Finn/Rose arc is indeed frustrating. Basically leading to Finn/Phasma face off and feeling a lot like a redo of TFA Takodana duel...,only a movie too late. Phasma, along with Snoke, might well be the top 2 worst handled characters in the whole saga.
But why did Luke have to "phone it in" as it were? Why the long distance battle? He could have easily raised his X-wing from the depths and flown in to do battle and died on the field. I assumed they showed that sunken x-wing for just that reason.
I was actually kinda expecting that aswell, but an X-Wing sunk in water for a few years working without a hitch would have been a stretch. It was unexpected but I think it worked. I was actually expecting it to be a Obi-Wan empty robe moment on the battlefield.