Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Han was definitely in the mentor shoes in TFA: he gave Rey a special weapon (pistol instead of lightsaber), he gave Rey some insightful wisdom, he set Rey on her true journey, and, as you said, he died. There's all kinds of different mentors, even Dark Mentors -- I do believe JJ shoehorned Han into the traditional "mentor" role as best he could for the character.


"The circle is now complete. When I met you, I was but the learner; now *I* am the master."

If anyone really had to, Han should have been the one to sacrifice himself with a suicide jump to light speed.

He could have made a comment about it being a one-time deal with a new mod no one will be able to duplicate.
I wonder what JJ is going to keep and what hes going to dismiss. He has a lot to do in a small amount of time for Ep.9. I still think they will have to do a two part episode like Harry Potter, it will break the chain of the 3 movie trilogy but might save this one. Maybe Luke didn't die he just manifested stronger in the force like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly , he will be like Palpatine on steroids but on the Light Side! Or maybe Finn just hallucinated it all and is still injured from his spine being cut out by a lightsaber! Or Maybe Rose is Snoke and will assassinate Leai with a Sumo roll.
As a parody trilogy, The Farce Awakens and The Lost Jedi are hilarious. They have some great humor, some great moments, they're fun.

But compared to the previous Star Wars movies, they don't even feel like Star Wars - they're a joke.

Just curious if any other women are feeling cheated by Disney? They butcher all the male characters (Han running and hiding, Luke Running and Hiding, Finn always ready to cut and run, Poe trigger-happy and has to be shot by Leia, Yoda showing up and acting like some weed-happy foggy froggy from the planet Vermont... see a pattern here?) Ruining the men doesn't make the women stronger characters, it's just bad writing from people who don't know how to write a truly strong female lead (or someone has an ax to grind - daddy issues much Mickey Mouse?). It ultimately undermines and defeats the purpose.

Star Wars is dead, may it RIP, now the Farce is with us. Yes it's hilarious and fun, but it's not Star Wars, it's lost its heart and soul. I never thought I'd say this (and I have some big issues with him still), but I miss George Lucas.
You shouldn’t be missing GL you should be blaming GL he is responsible for giving you weak men.

Do you think Kennedy materialized out of thin air?

Does anyone bother to read up on history before forming an opinion?

Who do you think mentored Kennedy over decades into who she is now?

How do you think she was given control over LF?

Do you know how many times Kennedy speaks with Lucas on a weekly basis, SW is his life.

Do you think the severe angry white male and critical backlash against the PT had anything to do with it?

Do you think just maybe the constant cry from 1999-2005 of “Lucas raped my childhood” had anything to do with it?

You say “I miss GL” as if Kennedy/Disney stole SW from under his nose and he’s locked up in his basement.

They’re using part of his outline for crying out loud! :lol


That’s fine if you hate SW now but lets not live in a fantasy world leave that for the guys who get off on anime girls because real women are not an option lol
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Looks delicious. I might mourn by going to see TLJ tonight. Tried to go yesterday but my preferred theater was sold out.

The supreme franchise is dead. Long live the supreme franchise.
Fine, then I guess there's nothing to miss after all. It was a boy's club, now it's just pathetic. Enjoy the club boys. Moving on.
The fans only have themselves to blame for Disney Wars or did they think “Lucas raped my childhood” had no impact on him or his children.

Now Kennedy can take the heat for him.

People saying they want GL back remind me of my 4 year old yelling “ but I’m SORRRRRRY NOW!” after we take the toy away.

Except they’re not Lucas’ kids and he gives zero ****s about a fandom that spent 15 years telling him he was ruining their movies. :lol

I guess I should point out that’s just my guess since so many here have actual insider info. I don’t want them wondering who I am at the next Lucasfilm board meeting.
:lol :lol :lol

Not even Red Letter Media can surpass their world famous hateful PT reviews (especially TPM) with their TLJ review not even close that’s how poisonous the PT were that’s what Lucas had to deal with.

Oh how quickly we forget.
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