Wow, great catch! I hadn't noticed that at all! I only saw it once, but have been itching to see it again. It was definitely my favorite Star Wars thus far!!
1. Sw
2. Esb
3 rotj/ro
4. Tlj
5. Tfa
6. Tpm/rots
7. Aotc
As a parody trilogy, The Farce Awakens and The Lost Jedi are hilarious. They have some great humor, some great moments, they're fun.
But compared to the previous Star Wars movies, they don't even feel like Star Wars - they're a joke.
Just curious if any other women are feeling cheated by Disney? They butcher all the male characters (Han running and hiding, Luke Running and Hiding, Finn always ready to cut and run, Poe trigger-happy and has to be shot by Leia, Yoda showing up and acting like some weed-happy foggy froggy from the planet Vermont... see a pattern here?) Ruining the men doesn't make the women stronger characters, it's just bad writing from people who don't know how to write a truly strong female lead (or someone has an ax to grind - daddy issues much Mickey Mouse?). It ultimately undermines and defeats the purpose.
Star Wars is dead, may it RIP, now the Farce is with us. Yes it's hilarious and fun, but it's not Star Wars, it's lost its heart and soul. I never thought I'd say this (and I have some big issues with him still), but I miss George Lucas.
As a parody trilogy, The Farce Awakens and The Lost Jedi are hilarious. They have some great humor, some great moments, they're fun.
But compared to the previous Star Wars movies, they don't even feel like Star Wars - they're a joke.
Just curious if any other women are feeling cheated by Disney? They butcher all the male characters (Han running and hiding, Luke Running and Hiding, Finn always ready to cut and run, Poe trigger-happy and has to be shot by Leia, Yoda showing up and acting like some weed-happy foggy froggy from the planet Vermont... see a pattern here?) Ruining the men doesn't make the women stronger characters, it's just bad writing from people who don't know how to write a truly strong female lead (or someone has an ax to grind - daddy issues much Mickey Mouse?). It ultimately undermines and defeats the purpose.
Star Wars is dead, may it RIP, now the Farce is with us. Yes it's hilarious and fun, but it's not Star Wars, it's lost its heart and soul. I never thought I'd say this (and I have some big issues with him still), but I miss George Lucas.
Ranking the SW movies....again.
You have to look at this deeper from Mark's positon. Look at who he's sitting next to. His open criticism of the films not only, in his mind, hurts Disney's profits, but it also adversely effects his colleagues. So he's probably thinking that he may have been being selfish when he aired his grievances publicly.
Wow. Have you ever seen actors promoting a film by addressing the fact that people hated it?No need for alarm, shareholders. Just look at the box office numbers! The Star Wars franchise is doing just fine.
Why would Hamill bother addressing bots, Russian hackers and ghost accounts on RT, anyway? The reality is that everyone loved The Last Jedi, except for a few die hard fans.