Super Freak
Enterbay sure is trying...I'll give them that.
My guess for what statue they're making
My guess for what statue they're making
Yeah, this reads to me like "Premium Format statues, but with good paint apps every time." Interesting. Edition size is really high for a 1/4 scale statue, though. I'm not sure any Sideshow PF had an edition size that high--not even their Boba Fett or Vader.
I'll second the motion on "enough Bruce Lee already."
New titbit frm Bill's weibo,
the headsculpt will be removable & can be attached onto a normal 1/6 figure body too......no specific type of body was mentioned, rm-x perhaps?
the headsculpt will be removable & can be attached onto a normal 1/6 figure body too......no specific type of body was mentioned, rm-x perhaps?
It would have been cool if they will decide to make an open mouth pissed off head sculpt - something like this, which I have proposed:
or this one
or just a cool and in a good mood one
What do the rest of you think ?
Guys, guys, guys, guys....
Why are you hiding a Bruce Lee discussion without me ?
...okey just kidding guys... Hehe...
Here is the shot:
i wonder if this head will be the replacement head for the GOD Beijing edition ?
We're just used to you appearing like magic whenever a thread title is created with the words 'Bruce Lee' in it
Can't remember what thread, but didn't Enterbay Bill post a shot on his blog of this pic exactly, pretty much confirming that it would be 1 of the 2 sculpts that come with the Big Boss figure ?
yeah i think your right on that one.if i'm honest i'm not overly keen on it,but we shall see