‘Horse’ is the seventh in the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, which matches ‘Wu’ with the Twelve Earthly Branches. Therefore, the period of the day from 11 to 1p.m. is also called ‘Wushi’. In ‘Xigua’. ‘Qian equals to Horse’.
An ancient legend says that in the ancient times, the horse has two wings. It could run on land and swim in the river. Therefore, horse is a very powerful animal. Later, this horse was named a royal horse for the Emperor. The Emperor loved the horse so much that it became proud of itself and began to act wildly against law and public opinion. One day, this horse went out and run straight to the Dragon Palace in the North Sea. All the soldiers in the Dragon Palace prevented the horse, which made it angry and caused Shengui to die. This event was reported to the emperor. The emperor ordered the soldiers to cut off the horse’s wings and put it under the Kunlun Mountain for 300 years.
After 200 years, the ancestor of human passed by the Kunlun Mountain, where a fairy in the Horse Garden told him the story about the royal horse and how to release the horse from the Kunlun Mountain. One day, when the ancestor was passing, the horse shouted at the ancestor, saying ‘Kind majesty, help me. I am willing to work for you ’. Hearing this, the ancestor, out of compassion, cut off the peach on the top of the Kunlun Mountain, and released the horse. In order to pay back the ancestor, following the ancestor, the horse came to the human world and determined to work for the ancestor forever. The horse worked hard and was willing to bear the burden of hard works. It also fight in the battlefield and went through fire and water. Form then on, the horse became a good friend to human. When the Emperor wanted to select the seventh in the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, horse was the best choice. Thanks to the hard-working of horse, it became one of the seventh in the twelve Chinese zodiac signs.
调整坐姿, 抓起马桶塞,拉杆,急速攀升!不好,左前方有敌机!抓稳方向盘急速转向,瞄准敌机尾翼,按下导弹发射器,一声急促的巨响,“咚咚咚”敌机被击中。“咚咚咚”敲门声越来越急促,“我说你马桶修好了没有,在里面磨蹭什么!”好吧,我承认,其实我只是一个马桶修理工,可是那有什么关系呢,至少我有一个飞行梦。
Adjust the sitting position; grab the toilet plugs; push the rod and rise rapidly! Well, the left front appears the enemy! Hold on the steering wheel rapidly, targeting at enemy plane tail, press the missile launchers, a loud bang, "Bang Bang Bang" the enemy was hit. “Bang Bang Bang " ,more rapid knock on the door, " you have not repaired the toilet, what are you dawdling in it!" ‘Okay, I admit, I am actually a toilet repairman, but then what to do with it, at least I there is a flying dream.
蒸汽工厂12生肖系列之 马先生
Steam Factory - 12 Zodiac series -Mr. Horse
Steam Factory - 12 Zodiac series -Mr. Horse
Toilet pilots of the Steam Factory - Mr. Horse
limited quantity of 200, with separate numbers,
including accessories, head carving, ferrite, shirt, leather vest jackets,
leather holsters and belts, pants, shoes, square, metal pistol, metal pliers, hammer * 2 toilet plugs, wrenches, hair dryer,
shower heads, aircraft steering wheel, steam toilet and floor.
Reservation promises accessories: Q style steam pony, Q Style pony collection card, and hand-stitched leather bag.
The deadline for order: April 21
Delivery:late June

Customer who makes reservation can get Q Style horse of 280 Yuan retail price
When reservation, there will be 20 lucky collectors can win hand-made leather bag
Each base has a number on its bottom written by designer
Anyone who reserves will win one idol of twelve Chinese zodiac signs
anyone who collects idols of twelve Chinese zodiac signs will win a 1:6 size doll