Super Freak
Really thinking about getting Dead or Alive 5 for $19.99. That's a good price for a game with a promised MAJOR update. With Splatoon and Arkham Knight coming though I'm not sure I'll even have time to play it.
I have a Question regarding Steam
if i buy a game through Steam, the game remains in PC storage and i'm gonna have a 1TB HD and that gonna fill up quick and i don't have a great internet connection if i deleted a game later and re-download it again.. so is there a chance to download it straight to an external hard drive (Flash drive)? so i wouldn't delete the game for redownload
After you download a game you can back it up to disk by bringing up the backup option by right clicking on the game in your library. You can backup to DVD-R's or any removable media (USB drive, portable HDD etc) so you don't have to download it again. Although, you will have to download new patches to play (if there are any) when you re-install the game at a later date.
I had some steam-rip instaled and when I actually bought and started the game via steam it synchronized with rip's options and saves. Dunno if this works if you copypast instaled game's directory...from what i understand, all i have to do is just insert the Disc and that's it? works automatically? ( As long as i sign into steam )