Broke and happy
It's weird to feel bummed out. I never really understood how someone got sad when a celebrity died or a notable because they never knew them but with Jobs it was different. I looked forward to his presentations and how candid he was about things. I'm not in tears or rocking back and forth holding my knees or anything but I can't help but admit that today sucks.
He's the 1st that made me feel this way, might happen with GL and SS as well, I don't know.
But admit it though, yes you are
Part of if for me is because he didn't kill himself or cause harm to himself with drugs or alcohol. He was one of the most powerful men in technology, but was powerless against cancer. So sad.
Billion won't stop you from dying, but make no mistake about it, his fortune definately played a hand in extending his life, even if for just a bit.
But because he was such an awesome human being, he gave back to what he utilized and supported the transplant side of medicine with his gifts of donations (ontop of his other philanthropic work i'm sure).
I am just flat out bummed.