Super Freak
You are the fakest guy I know on here man... "I want low ES on EVERYTHING"..."150 on EVERYTHING" ... "Back to the good old days of collecting"......: when it happens and you miss out you lose your ****. Even worse "I am done I through collecting... selling all my ****... I am SO FREE.......... Wait? A Low ES.......TAKE MY MONEY SSC... where is the Waitlist"
Honestly, you are a total phony man... I can't believe I bought into your crap for SO long.
For those who TRULY would have wanted this to go in their collection because they LOVE the character, but missed out... I am truly sorry
I got the email to buy it about 2 hrs late. I see a WL for some members. Where is the link? I just got off work so I want to get on the WL. This one at 150 es? Come on how can i resist that? I would buy it to keep or maybe use as trade bait for gladiator hulk, or galactus down the road. As for collecting I always said I just about quit and will sell off just about everything. But I never said I will never buy another statue ever again. I already said I might get gladiator hulk and maybe a few others. Once the ES is this low I'm going to buy.