Street Fighter IV: The Brotherhood Edtion

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I know Nick put a lot of practice in learning everyone's moves & he was getting good but then we all suddenly stopped playing it :dunno
If SF4 is indeed cross platform, i wonder if there will be an in-game type of friend's system so PS3 people can find 360 people?
I have my doubts too...i think if it were true it would be a key marketing feature and not left to rumors.
No worries bro, i'll whip everybodies ass :lol

I believe it. As long as I can have some fun with this game and maybe win once in a while its all good.

Just gonna warn anyone who plays me. I like with SC will try to learn some of the moves but I'm gonna be all about button mashing.
I believe it. As long as I can have some fun with this game and maybe win once in a while its all good.

Just gonna warn anyone who plays me. I like with SC will try to learn some of the moves but I'm gonna be all about button mashing.

Dee Honda


Chun Ill





There's tutorial stage

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