I dont care what anyone says...this screams half-a$$ed!
-The hair looks incomplete.
-The face is bad.
-the base is uber snorefest.
-the body is weak.
= will be sitting on the shelf for a long long time with blade vs dracula dio.
I like the piece. It's not fantastic, but as a 3D representation of the original art work, it's faithful and is exactly as intended.
Again, you have to point the finger at the control art, not the piece itself. Sideshow set out to do a representation of the artwork. Maybe if and when SS decides to do a Sue Storm PF, they'll add their own artistic interpretation.
Sideshow spoils us with fantastically imaginative scuplts and detailed bases sometimes. When a piece such as this is released, we say it's boring. And as Darren1228 siad, it's nice to see a sub $200 comiquette released.
Yes, you don't, and I wasn't saying your opinion was wrong or anything. It seems like you're in the majority. Just playing Devil's Advocate, as I often do.
Now I'll be really impressed if Sideshow does a Sue Storm PF with fabric costuming that includes translucent polystone for the invisibility effect!
Lame, weak, boring, and hideous, are a some words to describe this piece
Super average.nice price though.
she actually reminds me of the chick that played starbuck on the Battlestar Galactica series.
Does anyone here think she reminds you of Starbuck from BSG?
yeah i posted that way back on page 2 or 3
i guess no one else thought that except for the two of us.