Batty said:Why can't Sideshow develop the technology to make them actually hover. That shouldn't be too expensive.
God love Lucasfilm, but they can be flat-out silly sometimes.Sith Lord 0498 said:But if LFL is insistent on metal (why they'd care is beyond me...if SSC says it's enough to support it, that should be good enough in this case), then use a more "natural" metallic silver. It'd be a decent happy medium.
Batty said:Why can't Sideshow develop the technology to make them actually hover. That shouldn't be too expensive.
Buttmunch said:Sideshow just needs to discover a clear metal and use that.
EVILFACE said:Or you could just spray paint he wires whatever color you like.
bcm77 said:I also think that clear supports would look better,but I'm also intrigued by Darklord Dave's suggestion involving magnets. Can you elaborate on this for us?