Suggestion for Darth Mauls sith probes expansion (SIDESHOW PLEASE READ!)

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Why can't Sideshow develop the technology to make them actually hover. That shouldn't be too expensive.
Sith Lord 0498 said:
But if LFL is insistent on metal (why they'd care is beyond me...if SSC says it's enough to support it, that should be good enough in this case), then use a more "natural" metallic silver. It'd be a decent happy medium.
God love Lucasfilm, but they can be flat-out silly sometimes.

I agree with you 100%, though. At worst, they should make the support rods a lighter metal color. That black almost makes it seems as if they are a part of the droids themselves! :(
Batty said:
Why can't Sideshow develop the technology to make them actually hover. That shouldn't be too expensive.

What's funny is alot of the "fans" expect SS to do something like this, and light up lightsabers, new bodies to match every actors exact height and build, multiple heads, and include vehicles all for less than 50 bucks.
Evilface you are just totally wrong. If Sideshow can't make a Tarkin with a 1/6 scale Death Star exclusive that floats on a piece of fishing wire, I think I will just take my money elsewhere.:monkey5
You lose a lot of detail with diecast and it's much heavier. I'm glad they aren't diecast.

Perhaps a rod painted the sand color of the base would work? In fact almost any color would be better, as it is it appears like the support is part of the droid, which we know isn't true.

I still say the magnets to make it hover could work...
You know, when you think about it, I have seen some very darn tough plastic, even in the thickness we are talking about. On the other hand I would think that the metal wires in the pictures could be atleast prone to beinding, just as much as plastic could snap. I bet it could be done reasonably.
Buttmunch said:
Sideshow just needs to discover a clear metal and use that.

Shame Scotty didn't drop off the formula for transparisteel to Sideshow when he came back with Kirk to get that stupid whale. :emperor
The moment I first saw these things my first thought was: THESE LOOK AWEFUL! Then I looked a little closer at the droids themselves and noticed they're actually really well done. The black support rods ruin the piece IMO and are the soul reason I haven't pre-ordered it.
I'd prefer clear plastic supports too.
If a rod is incapable of supporting the weight, then some type of larger sculpted clear plastic stand could be used.
And if Sideshow can't do this, I'm pretty sure all of us can find clear plastic rods of the right diameter somewhere online or at a hobby store.
What would be really neat is to have them dangling from fishing line or something to give the illusion of hovering. Kinda like Christmas ornament stands do.
I also think that clear supports would look better,but I'm also intrigued by Darklord Dave's suggestion involving magnets. Can you elaborate on this for us?
bcm77 said:
I also think that clear supports would look better,but I'm also intrigued by Darklord Dave's suggestion involving magnets. Can you elaborate on this for us?

Magnets wouldn't be possible. Yes they could repel away from eachother and make it float, but it would repel it off the base and wouldn't float anymore. And if the droid had any amount of unequal weight distribution, it would flip over and stick to the other magnet. It's impossible to do.

Clear plastic would probably be too weak. But I think just making it shiny would be fine.
I was kidding about the magnets - it seems like it would be possible, but really isn't, especially for a $25 toy.

I'll probably just be repainting the wires a sand color when I get them.