1/6 Suicide Squad discussion/speculation thread.

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I dont give a ****, any Joker is instant purchase

I second that. I'm hoping for Harley and Croc as well. I'm still not certain on Deadshot.
On an unrelated note, I know I'm going to be irritated if there ends up being a 1/6 version of Captain Boomerang before anyone ever puts out a 1/6 Flash.
From everything I've seen, I don't think I'll be buying anything from the movie.

-Joker: The tattoos aren't that bad, but I in no way, want a barefoot Joker. I have a thing against exposed feet, so I couldn't even stand seeing it displayed. Ih he wears a more "traditional" suit though, maybe I'll re-consider it.

-Harley: I don't hate the "costume", but I was expecting the Arkham City look TBH. As it stands, I may get her, but eh, she's not high in my priority list.

-Deadshot: I really like the costume if I'm being honest. I'll have to see the film first, but if there's one fig I'll buy from this, it'll probably be Deadshot.

As for the rest, I do not care for them at all. Not for Tattoo-Guy, or Army-Guy #35645, or even Psycho-Guy #45643...
I'm betting that Leto's version of The Joker won't be as much of an in demand character as Ledger's was. The Dark Knight was a lightning in a bottle film to begin with and Ledger passing away while a tragedy made his performance even more admired by many.

I think with the Leto version it just comes across like DC and Warner are trying way too hard to top Ledger's version of the character and he just looks ridiculously bad. I love Batman and the characters within the DC Universe but I have such little confidence that any of what they're doing with the upcoming crop of films will turn out good.

Sorry but don't agree at all with your comments... you could just as easily say that Ledger was just WB trying too hard to make the Joker top Nicholson's version. Ledger was fantastic, but if you're a Batfan, and honest with yourself, he wasn't truly the Joker – his fantastic performance sold the character... but Perma-white... nope! Narcacistic, dapper... nope! Psychopathic? Yes!

I fully expect Leto's Joker to be (tattoos asside) the most screen accurate Joker we'll have seen. The only thing I do agree with however, is that Ledger's popularity may be a stumbling block... I think Henry Cavill and MoS suffered the same problem as Christopher Reeve and Superman I & II are so beloved... but what do you expect the movie makers to do? Copy the popular format? Can you imagine the flak they'd get for that? They have to do something different, something relevant for today's movie go-ers... yeah Leto's Joker may be over the top, he may be setting out to out do Ledger... but is that not essentially what the Joker is all about anyway?
Out of Batman, Joker, Harley, Deadshot, Flag, Croc, Boomerang, Katana, Enchantress, Slipknot, Diablo, Tattooed Man, King Shark, and Waller I could see Batman, Joker, Harley, Deadshot, and Waller. Maybe any combination of Flag, Croc, Boomerang, Katana, Enchantress, Tattooed Man, or King Shark depending on how big of roles they have and what they do. Don't think Slipknot or Diablo will happen.
I'll pre-order Harley the second it goes up. Also looking forward to Joker, Deadshot and Enchantress (hopefully they'll make them!)
As long as the sculpt on Harley is good, I'll most likely get her.

Joker will need a good sculpt and for me to like the performance from the film.

Won't buy anybody else.
His goons like like a simple enough bash. :lol
Loooove this punk rocker joker thing jared is doing. I don't think he will be to everyones taste but i think i'm going to dig this wacked out flamboyant version of him.
I don't care what everyone else is saying. I love Jared Leto's Joker. To me he is already the best Joker there is. I love Margot Robbie's Harley and everything about this movie seems *****king awesome. The most anticipated movie of the year for me and I can't wait for the Hot Toys figures.