Can't we all just get along?
Here is a possible solution to make EVERYONE happy.
The key is to have enough folks for each option to cover the cost of extra work and mold rubber. If I can make the minimum numbers listed I will charge $20.00 each as the presale discount. Once casting begins the full price will kick in at $35.00 each plus shipping. As usual, if you choose to have Kuato paint your copy, you need only pay him for shipping.
1) I make a bald Summer for those who want to root hair (7)
2) I add hair style 1 for Firefly fans fans (15)
3) I add hair style 2 for Sarah Connor Chronicles (15)
4) I mod her for Battle Damage (7)
As I said, if we can make those numbers, I can cover the extra cost of mold rubber, resin, and work time.
Cryoguns, how does that look compared to your list?