Seat cushion Pimp
Sp glad to see customer service is priority one with this. bleh. 
bah. Chris Howes is a ^^^^ing loser. don't even waste your time.
very true. Howes staying away from this site is so immature and wimpy. He needs to grow a set and take care of his problems.
Cryoguns said:Russian Spammers
Exactly. I am very leaniant when it comes to things but eventually you have to draw that line of being patient and being walked on and Howes cleary walked on us.I'm not disagreeing with any of this. I've sent Chris a couple of emails since his latest promise of an update "soon" and still haven't gotten anything back. It's extremely irritating since Summer was mostly done! The facial sculpt is the most difficult part - the hair for Cameron was all that was needed, and a little extra work for the BD version. If he's still suffering from 'Russian Spammers', it's long past time to dump the old accounts and create some new ones. I just can't swallow that excuse any more.
C. Howes = dongface.
That's probably the rum talking...but $90 he fleeced me for. The little fella really needs a severe wedgie for that.
bah. we'll never see em. ebay might get a few.