sorry for all the confusion guys haha
I will have all the sculpts done before i leave (august 10th)
My friend in cali will be the one distributing all the sculpts after that. I will have sneak peaks of all the sculpts that will be available.
The McClane, Jolie, and Norton are going out next week.
(ship out end of july)
and here is an idealistic plan of what's next
I space them out so that it's easier to keep track of (for me), and easier to budget (for you

John Marston, Arthur and Cobb (hopefully), Tomb Raider
(let me know if you want mrs. smith/wanted, the difficulty of the hairstyle makes me wonder if it's worth it)( ship out end of august)
Se7en Pitt, (maybe MF),Will Smith (MIB and I Am legend, maybe TLJ),
(ship out mid September)
Morpheus, Die Hard 3, and any re-issued heads (sold out but popular) [COLOR="darkred"(ship out beginning of october)[/COLOR]
this is assuming I get as much done in these next two weeks

(and if inception is success, i will finish the team in december; tourist, forger, architect, mark)