Sunshine... Awesome film with a end to separate the Masses...

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Grange Wallis

Super Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I just saw this film on Friday at Vic Gardens Hoyts in Melbourne, Australia... Great Cinema - Has a balcony!:D

Anyway, I loved it - It was rich with character development, had strong acting chops, fantastic visuals and a really tight direction by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later & Millions)

I loved it, I did find fellow Australia Rose Byrne playing a bit the same as usual these days a strong woman that tears up every second scene :confused: and I love both Cillian Murphy and Chris Evan, how really gives and strong performance here - He's basically the strong American type, but plays him with heart and strong confliction perfectly. Cillian Murphy is great and didn't come off a weak as some reviews stipulates... Michelle Yoeh is as sexy as ever in a sincere Space biologist way... The rest of the Cast are strong and I enjoyed Hiroyuki Sanada (Last Samurai) presents on-screen as the Ships well-like and respected Captain...

This is a must see for any Sci-Fi fan... I felt like I was back in the Good old days when Sci-Fi was thoughtful and Intelligent and not relying of how awesome someone gun was or over the top action pieces with over the top macho BS you mainly see these days... Great space epic, I love it!

Actually, the ending isn't the best and a bit cliché but I highly recommend it... I reckon it'll get a cult following...:eek:
Really looking forward to seeing this. Like The Fountain it's the kind of film that gets back to the true spirit of science fiction like the films from the late 60's to mid 70's.
Sunshine looks really cool, I'll have to see it soon.

How was The Fountain Sci-Fi? I mean, there was the whole thing in space, but I don't think it was supposed to be taken literally.
darthviper107 said:
Sunshine looks really cool, I'll have to see it soon.

How was The Fountain Sci-Fi? I mean, there was the whole thing in space, but I don't think it was supposed to be taken literally.

Correct. It's a metaphor. And if you do take it from a literal perspective it is more metaphysical projection much like transcendental meditation to achieve out-of-body celestial travel.
dekadentdave said:
Correct. It's a metaphor. And if you do take it from a literal perspective it is more metaphysical projection much like transcendental meditation to achieve out-of-body celestial travel.

I believe Astral Traveling, Astral Projection, or OBEs (Outer body experiences) can be acheived through self meditation or by some serious drugs. I've experienced the feeling several times, but not lately. It seems when you are on the cusp of sleep, your spirit has the opportunity to realize it is leaving your body....and does. Some can control this to great lengths. Last time for me was around 17 years ago, while on serious medication for an injury. It starts with noise, maybe white noise. As the feeling grows more intense, you can feel almost a vibration. That vibration leads to the experience. Very hard to acheive, even harder to control. Scary but real....Believe it or Not!
kodiak8658 said:
I believe Astral Traveling, Astral Projection, or OBEs (Outer body experiences) can be acheived through self meditation or by some serious drugs. I've experienced the feeling several times, but not lately. It seems when you are on the cusp of sleep, your spirit has the opportunity to realize it is leaving your body....and does. Some can control this to great lengths. Last time for me was around 17 years ago, while on serious medication for an injury. It starts with noise, maybe white noise. As the feeling grows more intense, you can feel almost a vibration. That vibration leads to the experience. Very hard to acheive, even harder to control. Scary but real....Believe it or Not!
It's not the spirit (if you believe in that sort of thing) but rather consciousness and the ability to project conscious thought across time and space that it is often mistaken for OBE. Near death experiences produce a similar neural-chemical effect on conscious and subconscious perception that induce a similar perecption of leaving your body and observing it from afar. Anyway, fascinating stuff to be sure and the stuff that great science fiction is derivative of. Science fiction is not contigent on outer space but on the imagination to conceive of that which is not yet possible.
grangewallis said:
Whoa, Whoa - Slow down... The whatta the whatta equal huh???

I suggest reading some of the works of experimental LSD users like Dr. Timothy Leary. :lol
I've been wanting to see this since I saw the trailer, it looks like an awesome flick. We have to wait 'til september to see it in the states.