Superman Doomsday DVD

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Re: Superman: DOOMSDAY - Who's getting it?

Watched it today and thought it was pretty good. The story wasn't quite like the one from the comics, but a new, and just as good, retelling. The animation was about the same as Justice League Unlimited as far as quality with the characters getting an updated look.
The one thing I didn't like was the new lines they drew on Supes face.
Other than that little annoyance, I thought the movie rocked.

As far as kids watching... it might be too intense for a 5 or 6 year old. Doomsday actually kills people, snaps necks and such, and there's blood and all. A little more risque than the TV shows with sexuality, I can see some people getting upset by Lois and Superman lounging around the Fortress of solitude in bath robes before she even knows he's Clark. All of this practically happens in the first 5-10 minutes, so I'm not really spoiling anything..... I hope. There is even a little swearing, but not much.

The best part is in the special features there is a teaser for "Justice League: New Frontier."

Is that going to go down like the swear word in The 80's Transformer Movie... The scene's chapter name on the DVD I have is "Swear Word"! :lol
Re: Superman: DOOMSDAY - Who's getting it?

Just saw this and I was very impressed. Ann Heche and James Marsters are fantastic as Lois and Lex. They even did Lex's character design to reflect Marsters razor cheekbones. I can't say that I love the character designs - i.e. the older looking Supes. But I loved how they did the shiny blue on his suit.

It is very intense and wouldn't recommend it for under 8. As said, there is some neck snapping and some blood running. The kids won't catch the blatant homo-eroticism from Lex though.
Re: Superman: DOOMSDAY - Who's getting it?

A friend saw it on OnDemand Pay-Per-View and he said it was great. I will buy it this week and probably enjoy it from heard.
I look forward to the rest of the movies Bruce Timm, James Tucker and Dwayne McDuffie put out.
I would love to see them do some of DC's other storylines after New Frontier and Teen Titans.
How about a Batman Hush movie and a Crisis On Infinite Earths miniseries.
Bring it on, baby. Bring it on.
Re: Superman: DOOMSDAY - Who's getting it?

I cracked and downloaded the Bit Torrent, I've still purchased it and it's on the way, but the movie is gold!!! I love it.. I knew what the basic story like so I wasn't upset re the massive changes from the comic's storyline... Love the fights and action, however all the Collateral Damage really annoyed me... Superman would be skirting around buildings etc to avoid injury to other etc. Too much lack of care for the surrounds...

Can't wait to watch it again of the 50" screen with 5.1 surround sound!

... I still live with my folks! :eek:
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Watched it today, it was good. They really rush through the story, but what do you expect from a 75 minute cartoon?

I really liked the 30 minute doc on the comic books. Very nice extra. Also, I'm a big fan of the DVD slipcase.
fight scenes were awesomely executed. Happy to be a supes fan!
i thought the artwork was sooo bad on superman his face look weird or something, it put it off fo me i couldnt watch.
Saw it at SDCC, while the action and fighting scenes were AMAZING, the overall movie ws less than great. This coming from a superman fan. DIdn't like the kirby like art for supes, looks like he has a skin disease. The voices were NOWHERE near the voices from JLU or even Superman: TAS. If the voices were on par with previous incarnations of Supes in cartoon format, I would have given the movie a pass; but they didn't, so no pass.
I would have to disagree about the voices. I think there's a huge difference in how a voice actor approaches a role compared with how an actor who is usually on screen will do it. But the voice direction made up for the actors inexperience in voiceover work. And I think Heche and Marsters added more dimensions to the roles than Delaney and Brown. (Hmm, there goes my theory as Delaney and Brown are also on camera actors...oh, well).
I would have to disagree about the voices. I think there's a huge difference in how a voice actor approaches a role compared with how an actor who is usually on screen will do it. But the voice direction made up for the actors inexperience in voiceover work. And I think Heche and Marsters added more dimensions to the roles than Delaney and Brown. (Hmm, there goes my theory as Delaney and Brown are also on camera actors...oh, well).

To each his own. Maybe I'm skewed because I am so used to hearing a certain voice come out of an animated character's mouth. Much like I can't stand anybody doing joker but Hamill.
I would have to disagree about the voices. I think there's a huge difference in how a voice actor approaches a role compared with how an actor who is usually on screen will do it. But the voice direction made up for the actors inexperience in voiceover work. And I think Heche and Marsters added more dimensions to the roles than Delaney and Brown. (Hmm, there goes my theory as Delaney and Brown are also on camera actors...oh, well).

Marsters a better Lex than Brown, wash your mouth out DLD, you know how many Kurgans there are around here.:lol

Seriously though I love the Clancy Brown rendition of Lex Luthor and animated series Lex is by far the coolest IMO.

That being said I watched the Superman Doomsday movie the other night and was pretty impressed with it. There were some nice shocks and character deaths you didn't expect and the plot post Supes death was a classic Luthor manoeuvre. It wasn't perfect and I did feel Adam Baldwin was a bit flat as Supes though.

Still as an animated direct to DVD movie, it knocks anything Marvel's done in the last year into a cocked hat.

Looking forward to New Frontier:D
Enjoyed the show. Missed Clancy. Marsters was fine though.
Heche was ok. But overall, loved the show.

Any reason the other members of the League were left out? At the funeral?
Not sure why they did that. Felt odd.
Otherwise, I liked it well enough.
Enjoyed the show. Missed Clancy. Marsters was fine though.
Heche was ok. But overall, loved the show.

Any reason the other members of the League were left out? At the funeral?
Not sure why they did that. Felt odd.
Otherwise, I liked it well enough.

I read somewhere that they left out the other DCU characters because it was not directly linked to the previous animated series. Didn't make sense to me, but that was what it said.

As for the voices, Heche was meh. I liked Marsters simply because of how he was drawn. I think the voice matched the look (although Clancy is still the best Luthor).
I really want to get this... but will have to wait until I have more cash. :lol

You've got another option you know, you can watch it for free on TV links website, here's a direct link to it.

That's how I ended up watching it because i live in the UK and the DVD isn't out here and might not be for a while.
