I was MAKING a point DUDE... If you read what I posted above you will see I was using MMs words after his 100th post about hating the EX, to show him that he was doing the SAME thing YOU are accusing me of.
Honestly you and I disagree, but if IF EVERYONE who HATES the EX can hammer on it over and over AGAIN, then those who LIKE it should be able to SAY that. Don't by a hypocrit, just because those who HATE the ES are saying something YOU AGREE with doesn't mean THEY have the right to say it and I DON'T.
Let me say something else I was the one who brought Jorge work over here, the ones that EVERYONE is clinging to as being the BETTER alternative, and I did that because for the first time I AGREE.
Statue You I haven't been rude... In fact I want EVERYONE to be happy, I have not attacked you , and I have NOT INSULTED your right to have an OPINION... Please don't be a hypocrit and do it to me.
By the way I like pictures... Sue me