Waitlist 4 lyfe

Cool pic bro

This is finally on the way to my AD!
FedEx delivers on Saturdays, so it is very likely you will get it Sat.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: After talking to my Voodo Shamen friend who helped me put Jessica Rabbit Whammie on Tamato to ensure that this should indeed arrive to Tams house intact instead of the lovely Mrs. Rabbit.... Well... He informed me that Tam may still suffer some "side effects" from the hex.
While I didnt entire understand what he was saying I was able to understand the words "****", "Leakage","Fungal Infection", "Impotence", and the last term I heard was "Rectal Exorcism".
Sorry for these unfortunate side effects Tam, but he did suggest that if you set up your bust in the bathroom you will get to spend some "quality" time with him.![]()
Keep it have no idea who you are F#%&'n with! I have played your silly game but I now grow tired...My Kung Fu is stronger than yours!!!!![]()
This is what I think of your shaman...
Oooh and on a lighter note, Fedex update now says "In Transit" left Fedex today and should be at my door sometime Saturday, Woohoo!!!!!![]()
Oh NO!!! You angered him ... He called me back SCREAMING SO LOUDLY!!!! All I heard was "****ING GOOGLY EYES", "WILL LOOK LIKE FACIAL HERPIES", and "DECAPITATION".
I am SO SO SORRY man there is NOTHNG I can do. I willfor you.
I am sorry my friend but you were warned... My Gods are ancient and powerful and they have decreed that your Batman PF EX deal will go very badly and you will be left penniless with nothing but tears and sorrow.![]()
Subsequently all your future PO's from Sideshow will arrive heavily damaged and painted by blind paraplegics using paint tainted with poison deadly toxins. Sideshow customer service will not acknowledge that there are any problems and will only offer you a refund minus a 99% restocking fee! Meanwhile the effects from handling these poison laced statues begin to take their toll as your flesh begins to slowly burn and melt from your bone, there will be no relief from this excruciating pain and you will beg for forgiveness... and I may or may not listen...
I'm afraid you toil in matters of which you know not. You have broken a sacred law among us collectors by wishing damage upon that which we covet so highly... the statue, and there must be penance paid. There may still be time however, if you wish to apologize for your actions and agree to a truce you may yet find me benevolent.
Friends, or mortal enemies? The choice is yours...
okay I give I give ... That was awesome man.
listen get those pics up m8. I may not be able to comment on them for a bit, but I hope he turns out PERFECT for you.
Mine's scheduled to show up on Saturday too. Hope it makes it there then and in one piece. It's a long trip from Krypton.