I met Lou quite some time ago and he was nice to me. He wanted to charge to have a picture with him so some may be offended by that but it's how he makes a living. He would sign whatever you wanted him to for free however which was nice.
Lou is a classless bum.
lol paying for pics and sigs? Who doesn't do that at Cons man?
I mean I've heard at the cons ala SDCC they're often paid by the different booths and as such don't charge but man at our little cons here in Oz there's no chance of that happening lol.
I was happy to pay the $40 for my Shatner sig and $30 for my Ron Perlman sig at OzComicon man.
Well either way I'm going to meet him and the others at the con. False statements I won't listen too until I experience it on my own. I'm guessing he's a nice guy so my judgement won't change til something happens to me. Everyone has to love and get money so why not that way? Who knows. People just like to trash and bag.
We ALL need money to live. And now, I shall step off my soap box.
Lou is a classless bum.
After watching him on celebrity apprentice, you can add complete idiot to that list.
After watching him on celebrity apprentice, you can add complete idiot to that list.
lol genius. Great pics mate I love it.