I had hoped that Powell was going to surprise everyone and announce a last minute endorsement of me, but now it looks like that's not going to happen.
It'll be interesting to see how ACORN morphs into myth in a few years' time while ignoring this sort of thing...
Occam's razor.
Which is simpler - a vast Republican conspiracy involving re-programming computers or idiot voters who don't know how to use a touch screen?
It's easy to over blow a news item to try and make a point. But harping on these computer screens is making a big deal about nothing just like the lazy registrars at ACORN is nothing.
Which is simpler - a vast Republican conspiracy involving re-programming computers or idiot voters who don't know how to use a touch screen?
It sounds more like idiot manufacturers who don't know how to build a voting machine.
But...are they the same people who couldn't operate a paper ballot where you punch out a little oval?
Personally, I think the most complicated are the ones where you use a marker to complete the arrow pointing at your choice of candidadte. It's a good thing those haven't come into universal usage, because the country would be done for.
It's hilarious how things have moved from a crazy Reverend, to ties to terrorism, to anti-american, Acorn and then vote fraud...Weak!!!