Survivor: Redemption Island

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I'm starting to wonder if this season is fixed.

Rob going onto a team that basically caters to every whim just seems unreal.

I feel bad for the fans that absolutely hate him, because I think he's running away with the easy win here.

While I'm not a giant Rob fan, I at least like and respect his game for the most part.
I am in the same boat, he's been ruthless this run. I guess after soo many attempts at the big money and coming up short, he's going for broke this time
If there was no Redemption Island thing I think Rob would run away with this season. However I think at some point one of the girls and possible Grant backstab him and send him home. If this was normal season when once someone is out they are out. He would have got rid Grant at that second tribal. He would have then had a tight alliance with the two girls and would have double crossed them at 5 and take Phillip and one of them (as long as it is not Andrea) to F3 and he should win no problem.

I think what happens is is the Redemption Island person will come back and somehow get Rob voted out and I think it will be Andrea Phillip and one of the other random girls in the final and Andrea wins.

I like Rob alot but I just cant see him winning but if he does I will be very surprised and happy. Rob does have the hidden immunity still but it cant help him after final 5.

Also on the finals night there will still be 8 people left alive. That is the most ever.
I'm starting to wonder if this season is fixed.

If Matt wins then it's completely fixed. Rob at least has the track record and the history to believe that he can con folks into along with him but Matt still on the show is getting a little tired.
This show, as the other 'seasons' is very predictable (at least the last 3-4 episodes) I hope crazy Phil wins just to make it unpredictable. But this show is about popularity and looks, so prolly Matt or B.Rob
This show, as the other 'seasons' is very predictable (at least the last 3-4 episodes) I hope crazy Phil wins just to make it unpredictable. But this show is about popularity and looks, so prolly Matt or B.Rob

if matt makes it to the final three, they might as well not even have a vote imo. i don't think anyone could beat him.
Phillip has got to be the craziest survivor ever. Is he just trying to become a controversial player so he'll be invited back for another series just like Rob and Russell?
Phillip has got to be the craziest survivor ever. Is he just trying to become a controversial player so he'll be invited back for another series just like Rob and Russell?

I genuinely thinks that's his real personality. I've met a few people who remind me of Phillip - people with outrageous stories that are almost always fabrications in their own mind.
even if rob gets to the end (which i kinda feel he wont) how in the hell is he going to get the votes of the 4 to 5 people & possibly more that he looked in the eyes & swore allegiance that he would take them to the end but wound up screwing over? i would want some payback as juror. right now the only way he could possibly win is with phillip.

ashley's immunity win was huge.
Rob is screwed. He'll get to the top 3 at best, but he's betrayed too many people.

At this point, I also want someone to punch Philip in the face. hate that crazy bastard!
Rob is screwed. He'll get to the top 3 at best, but he's betrayed too many people.

At this point, I also want someone to punch Philip in the face. hate that crazy bastard!

Not yet, Grant doesn't know Rob voted for him so they are still good. And the best line of the season so far.. “Rob was using you like toilet paper. He wiped his ass with you.” :)
Not yet, Grant doesn't know Rob voted for him.

He knows. He got 3 votes. He was only expecting 2 (the girls). The third vote that got him out told him Rob back doored him because remember Phillip's vote = Rob's vote. Phillip always votes for whoever Rob tells him too. Grant thought he was in an alliance with Rob and Phillip. Now he knows.
He knows. He got 3 votes. He was only expecting 2 (the girls). The third vote that got him out told him Rob back doored him because remember Phillip's vote = Rob's vote. Phillip always votes for whoever Rob tells him too. Grant thought he was in an alliance with Rob and Phillip. Now he knows.

True, but as he said as he was leaving.. "One of you..." so he didn't think Rob right away or esle he would have called him out. If he thinks about it after he should know it was Rob for sure though... we'll see.
Rob is screwed. He'll get to the top 3 at best, but he's betrayed too many people.

At this point, I also want someone to punch Philip in the face. hate that crazy bastard!

:lol It will be interesting to see whether the voters turn vindictive on Rob. I don't necessarily think they will. Other seasons, probably. This season they all seem complicit in their own elimination by giving him so much power.

The test will be who does the other tribe vote for. I think guys like Ralph, the Marine, and the (old) football player will probably give credit to him. I think Grant would vote for him too. The only people I can see not voting for Rob at this point whichever of the two girls that gets eliminated.

Assuming a 3 person final, I think personally Rob's best course of action is to take both girls because the girls will vote for each other anyway, so take that vote out of the equation. Phillip won't vote for 1 of the girls. And if multiple people do want to vote against Rob, they may be split between the 2 girls who are essentially the same.

So I can see Rob winning the vote something like 6-3-3 or something like that. (Not sure how many jururs this year). If he brought Phillip and just 1 girl, it could end up 5-7-0 if you take away Phillips vote and give it to one of the girls.
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All but one of the Redemption Island folks will go home in the next episode does that mean they won't even be a juror or that they'll be a ton of jurors all of a sudden?
Pretty sure there will be A LOT of jurors this year. Can't be bothered to do the math. Maybe 15?