SW/LOTR: Where do you stop? HOW do you stop?

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Super Freak
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May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
1/6 Jabba
1:1 Yoda bust
PF Boba Fett
PF Princess Leia
1/6 SW
1/6 LOTR
LOTR Legendary busts
And more

How do you pass up any of those? Someone recently said, "You have to separate what you want from what you REALLY want." Okay, so what if you REALLY want more than you have space for or can afford? Then what do you choose?

The LOTR and SW films are my favorite movies of all time. LOTR ranks higher in quality but the *experience* of seeing SW as a kid gives it an edge on that level. I'd love to have high end collectibles that celebrate those films.

One of the main problems are that there are so many movies and they are such ensemble pieces. Makes it hard to just say "okay I'll get the definitive Luke collectible and the definitive Frodo." No Han? Anakin? Leia? Boba Fett? Aragorn? Legolas?

"Okay scratch that, I'll get all the main characters." So pre-order a bunch of 1/6ers. So no PF? No 1:1 Yoda or 1:2 Morgul Lord? Gaaaaah!

I know this is yet another "So many choices" type thread, but seriously, I really want a minimalist collection. They're very classy. But HOW do you choose?

The two great appeals w/Sideshow are the sometimes *dead-on* likenesses and the range of characters that get the SS treatment. Choosing a select few and getting likenesses that may never be matched (PF Leia, 1:1 Yoda) or choosing extra characters like the brilliant 1/6 Boromir, Darth Maul, and Qui Gon.

I literally go back and forth every day. I devour the "just cancelled this," "I'm just focusing on this", threads and think "yep, that's the way to go," then I see the figures or busts that I'd be sacrificing and it starts all over again.

I haven't actually cancelled anything yet, hopefully I narrow things down before everything starts shipping....
I have decided that the only things I can buy are all of the 1/6 Star Wars and Lord of the Rings figures and thats it. I started collecting the Star Wars 1/6 because Hasbro stopped making the 12" figures which was my favorite part of their line. However I would love if I had tons of money to be able to buy every pf or 1:1 that came out but I cant. I dont want to get one of any line because if I do I will become a completionist and that causes problems when its $350 buck a pop. I am buying every 12" figure though so thats were I draw the line. When I get out of college and get a job as an electrical engineer I may be able to afford to go back and get all of these PF from Star Wars but if not ohh well.
I tend to like alot of variety but I made the conscious decision to just get the 1/6th scale figures. Partially based on display room, but also price. They are good enought (and in the case of LOTR spectacular) they they aren't just "toys" but also small enough that I can display a number of them , and reasonably priced enough that I can get alot of them. If I were to branch out into PF I'd have to seriously compromise. Also I probably am not a big fan of any particular characters in the franchise which helps - I'd rather get a broad spectrum of characters rather than a particular figure in the PF.

It also helps I'm not a real fan of statues & busts ;)
I'm staying away from the 1:1 scale busts. I mean I passed on Maul and Yoda for goodness sake. I'll get as many of the 1/6th and 1/4th of both lines as I can afford or like. I don't care for every character in either series so no need to get them all unless I just know I can afford to be a completist which I don't think I can right now. :lol
If you want help you need to look elsewhere. You get support here, but mostly for the slippery slope we are all on.

Your question."SW/LOTR: Where do you stop? HOW do you stop? For a start your best option is cross SW off the front of that question. SW never ends. Hasn't since it started. At least with LotR you get some respite before they release the Hobbit.

Blasphemy I hear being said. True, I am not a SW fan so it is easy for me to say. I am not collecting the LotR figures either, and I still have the same problems as everyone else.
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creecher said:
Your question."SW/LOTR: Where do you stop? HOW do you stop? For a start your best option is cross SW off the front of that question. SW never ends.
That is true, and scratching off SW would definitely solve the dilemma, but for me its just too ingrained in me. Too many great moments from my childhood seeing the OT on the big screen with my family, rejoicing over each new wave of vintage Kenners, and then watching ROTS w/my then brand new wife last year as the perfect bookend to the saga.

LOTR is definitely better, in both story and execution, and will probably always reign as the pinnacle of cinema. But I'll never forget where I came from. ;)

I don't have any problem not being a completist. Way too many "A listers" for a third stringer like Kit Fisto to wind up in my collection. But man, choosing which A listers and in which pose, scale, and outfit, that's the hard part.

And you never want to sacrifice something for something that will be made obsolete once a better likeness comes along. PF Lurtz, Leia, Boba Fett, and 1/6 Boromir and Jabba will probably never be topped in their respective scales so they're probably safe. Same with the Yoda bust.
Khev said:
"You have to separate what you want from what you REALLY want."

Easier said than done. It comes down to personal tastes and FINANCES!!

I don't particularly fancy any of the Leg scale busts, and have so far avoided the LOTR PF figures. I do think I will end up buying some of them one day. Im more of a SW PF fan but I am collecting both 12".

I think you have to make some decisions based on
D) DO YOU REALLY REALLY WANT THIS? (you get the idea :lol )

I think you will end up going the same way as myself and many other board members. You will buy stuff and possibly end up moving it along when something better comes by. Problem is SS keep on bringing out lots of great new products so were all screwed.

However you decide to deal with your conundrum. GOOD LUCK!!
I understand the nostalgia aspect. Your predicament is like so many, including me. It draws on my empathy and I can sympathise, but you asked how to stop, and cold turkey isn't pleasant. Only you can do something. Usually when you reach a plateau, when you reach a point it no longer means nothing more to you , or when you feel finally satisfied.

I started off getting 1/6 figures. Swore by them. Wasn't going to get any PF's. I was determined. I ended getting PF's. It has curbed my penchant for 1/6 figures, but not entirely. I guess what I am saying is stick to a budget.

Dr.Mirakle32 has a thread in General asking for help. Sort of a similar situation. One high priced figure of several lesser priced figures. He isn't getting any help at all. It's a mixed bag so far. I am tending toward one over the many, considering your question. Do away with the many. Get the Vader PF. If that was your only collectible, it would remind you of all that Star Wars is, and have the nostalgia flooding back whenever you look at it. It may not be Vader. It could be R2D2 or Han Solo. Select a handful, the icons. The rest are filler. I'm not convincing you am I? I tried.

There's my advice - take it from a man who knows how quickly a collection can get expensive and messy looking.

Think of the image from the films that best epitomises the film for you (Bespin Luke or Black Gates Aragorn for me...) and decide to get those in PF. If you can afford the 1:6's let them feed your habit without raping the bank account and then save you BIG purchases for the two pieces that mean the most to you.

Or just buy the lot, buy another property to display it all and spend the rest of your life in debt!
creecher said:
Your question."SW/LOTR: Where do you stop? HOW do you stop? For a start your best option is cross SW off the front of that question. SW never ends. Hasn't since it started.

That's so true!

This is one of the reasons I quit collecting Star Wars. It actually felt like a burden had been lifted from my shoulders once I decided to stop. The other reason I quit was because of the prequels. Truthfully, I'm sort of grateful that the prequels disappointed me because my quiting SW allowed my collection to grow in a way that I appreciate more.

I'm still a big OT trilogy fan, and I'm a LOTR fan, too....but I don't collect the figures. This is different for me because usually if I'm a fan of something I automatically collect the figures. I wanted to collect the 12 inch of those trilogies, I really did, but I said no. A few years ago I would've "had to have" it all when it came to the 12 inch figures, but I can turn some of them down now.

I've haven't collected any PFs even though many are magnificent. I don't plan to, but I won't say "never". SSC just has lines that I can turn down. One of the arguments I make to myself by not getting into the SW/LOTR lines is the possiblity that SSC might hit upon a line (12 inch or PF) from something that I'm not just a fan of, but more fanatical about - a better place to put the money if I have it, IMO.
everyone feels the pain of what to pass on!

I want them all sure... but like someone said.. try to get a mental image of what you want your display to look like ... then go from there.

I was only planing on collecting...

One shelf of 12" fellowship

One shelf of The Dead

One shelf of SW characters that I like.... Which just split into 2 shelves because of Jaba! :( I'll have a shelf of Jedi (that I like and haven't missed) and Sith and some Emperial stuff... and another shelf for scum and Bounty Hunters. (which might turn into just bounty depending on how fast the rest grow).

Good Luck to us all!!!! :chew

....oh and a shelf for droids... and a shelf for.. DARN IT ALL!!!!
It's hard for sure. I do not get the 1:1 scale busts as much as I want to, but then I broke down o nthe whole Jabba set up and Bib despite I told myself "Sith/Jedi ONLY in 12 inch".

I have not passed on much to be honest, but I am going to start having too eventually due to space. I already do not know where I will display Jabba.
I just decided to spend some big bucks now and then stop. Thats why I went with PF. No more room after I get all my things. So I had to pick what was most important to me.

1. JAWS - My fav. film of all time. Have to get Bruce.

2. STAR WARS - the OT is my fav. series of films. I enjoy the PT but don't feel the need to own anything from that. Vader is the man, so I am getting the PF of him. I will also be getting PF Boba Fett. And I am asking for the Koby C-3PO and R2-D2 set as a christmas gift. Then I am done. Besides Vader, R2 and 3PO represent Star Wars the most to me and Fett is just Bad ass.

3. LOTR - This was tuff. What one figure best represent the LOTR. Frodo? Gandalf? Aragorn? Who was I to choose. I knew I did not was any hobbits - Not cool enough - Aragorn is cool but not the best representation LOTR. Gandalf is close. I then decided to go with Sauron he is after all the Lord of the Rings. I am also getting the balrog second edition just so Sauron has some company.

4. Jason - Not my fav. horror films but probably my fav. horror icon. My friend has the PF and it was too cool to pass up. I also will still be displaying my McFarlane 18" Freddy and my Neca 18" Jason. two of the best 18" sculpts out there IMO. The 18" Jason still amazes me when I look at him. Neca did just an awsome job.

5. Pumpkinhead Sota - Again not my fav. Horror film but one of my fav. Monsters. After this I am done.

I will still be displaying all of my Alien busts, Godzilla models, and xplus Ghidorah and Mothra.

The Only way I buy more after this is if I decide to sell any of these. I don't want my room to be overrun like it was before.

I sold a bunch of stuff to get the PFs listed above. Hardest one to sell was my Sideshow Jason 12" from part 3. Just shipped him off today. But I now have no debt to any of these PFs.
Mine are pretty easy. From SW I'm only gonna go with Jedi or Core characters, one of each in my favorite version. After that, I don't need anything--I already passed on Jabba and Bib, and I'm holding out for a Leia in something a little more lady-like.

As for LOTR, same thing, one of each, but some exceptions--both Gandalfs, Aragorn ranger and king, and maybe a Faramir armour along with the ranger one that I am DYING to get!!!!
for me it helps that i've space constrains and also a budget. i can't afford buying all lotr weta pieces as much as i would have loved being a fan of lotr. and neither can i put up so many pieces too.

therefore i just buy selectively the characters that i like most (aragorn) and then just a few main characters. and then pick statues overs the busts since you get to see more of the character. no need to get multiple representations of the same person really.

and then for the 12" line, i've decided just to collect the fellowship and then just a few others that have not been made and would appeal to me like elven warrior for example. if you can afford it all, and just have a headache on how to store and display... then i think the question is not where and how to stop buying but how to create space to display (ie getting a bigger place or room for your collection).
Perhaps you should just stick to one scale. The 1/6 would be best for amount of characters made. 1/4 a bit higher quality, but not much posing options other than what they are sculpted in. 1:1 Huge, no posing options. It all depends on what you are more interested in. Slighty higher quality in 1/4 and 1:1 or a more amount of characters and environments in 1/6.
I am not buying any 1:1 scale or 1:2 scale Busts from any line! Just too expensive and take up way too much space! I am planning on collecting the entire LOTR 12" line and maybe the entire 12" SW line. There are some characters which I have ordered, but now I am having second thoughts about them.
Boy, the subject of this thread has been on my mind since I've come back from SDCC and seeing all that is in the horizon. I've got some serious decisions to make. :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2

I used to say that I was just going to collect the 12"ers. I cancelled ALL of my SW and LOTR PF orders. The 1:1 busts never appealed to me... and I doubt that there is a character that I want THAT big. Darkness was the closest I came to being tempted by a bust. :monkey3

Now, with only 4 12" Star Wars in hand, I have decided that I can't be a completist with the 12" Star Wars line (I wonder how long it will take for the 12" LOTR line?). The deal breaker for me was the Jabba sets. "Jedi" being my least favorite of the films, was I going to sink $400+ on the set? The answer was painfully "no". So the Inclusive Edition came and went without me placing an order. I feel strangely sad. I'm now not a completist. I knew this day would come... didn't know that it would come so fast! But I saw the set at SDCC and there is NO WAY I have no room for that behemoth set.

So now the range of my collection has changed. It is REALLY tough now to decide what I REALLY REALLY want. Cause on some level, I truly want it all. But having passed on Jabba, do I still get Bib Fortuna? He looked REALLY cool with Jabba... but I won't be getting Jabba. I pre-ordered him just in case, but I have a feeling that I might be cancelling him.. as well as Leia Boushh. And the Sith Droids. I SERIOUSLY have to re-think to parameters of my collection. I might just have to stick with the "force" wielders the Jedi and the Sith... then again, what about Han? AArgh!!:monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
Space is the majorn concern and constraint for me. Therefore I am just buying what I really really want. I am buyin all LOTR items excluding legendary busts but if I have space, I would buy them as well. On the other hand, I do not buy all SW items as it is endless. And also I do not like some characters likeness such as han solo 12", or Luke 12" ..etc.
I am not a completist and just buying what I really really want. It is difficult to cancel but sometimes you have to decide wisely.
Can't stop, won't stop
Cause we, we get down baby, we get down baby
The girls the girls, they love us
Cause we stay fresh to death, we the best nothing less

-Young Gunz