SW/LOTR: Where do you stop? HOW do you stop?

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My next objective is to stop purchasing any more Buffy figs. I am just encouraging them Sideshow peeps. :lol
I have very limited space, so I stick with 1/6. I almost fell into PFs. I had the Boba Fett Excl. ordered, but I cancelled it in favor of my new dog's vet bills.
abstractharmony said:
Think of the image from the films that best epitomises the film for you (Bespin Luke or Black Gates Aragorn for me...) and decide to get those in PF.
Ha, I like how you think. Bespin Luke IS the epitome of SW greatness to me, and Black Gates Aragorn ranks up there for LOTR. The latter is tougher though, as Gandalf the Grey, Frodo, Gollum, and Aragorn in ranger gear w/elven cloak are also VERY high on the list.

But in a funny way having just one LOTR character seems to almost go against the themes of friendship (or fellowship if you will) of the story and the films. You almost have to get the whole crew to do it right. Or at least Frodo and Sam. And Gollum. And Legolas and Gimli. And.... :monkey1

I wonder if SS won't do a straight Bespin Luke PF on account of the similarities to Dagobah Luke.

I was SO sure with Jabba, but then after I preordered Bib Fortuna I suddenly thought "what if it comes down to choosing between Bib and a Fellowship member?" Bib goes DOWN. And even as an OT diehard, Bib to me really is a $60 "accessory" to Jabba, not a character in and of himself to get that excited over. And when I ordered him I realized that Jabba, the dias, creatures and Bib were $420. The most amazing 1/6 SW diorama ever, but suddenly we're getting into 1:1 Yoda bust territory. Or the Morgul Lord bust flanked by several 1/6ers like the one displayed at SDCC. *Plus* the notion that Jabba *still* wouldn't be complete w/o a Gamorrean Guard or additional alien or two.

I have to really ask whether or not Jabba trumps all of the possibilites of LOTR at that pricepoint...? It isn't so cut and dry anymore.

LOTR are the greatest films of all time.
But SW still ranks highly and will always have that "magic" that began so early in my childhood.
LOTR figures are more detailed and appear to be even higher quality than the SW ones.
SW figures are more instantly recognizable and will probably evoke more enthusiasm from guests (well OT characters anyway).
LOTR's fantasy theme goes better with the classic styling of our house, but has more "ugly" characters that my wife wouldn't be as thrilled to see on display (Lurtz, Cave Troll, orcs.)
SW never ends, but by the same token it seems easier to break up SW iconics than the LOTR Fellowship.

Its almost agonizing deciding which to truly give more focus to, but if I HAD to choose the line that has the edge TODAY...I'd have to pick LOTR.

The soul searching over all the "Sophie's Choice" dilemmas for each line has only just begun....
Since I'm a 1/6 guy, that made part of it easy for me.

Yet for me and probably a lot of others, being a 12-inch Sideshow SW and/or LOTR 'completist' isn't very practical or realistic based on finances, display space, not getting in the dog house with the wife, etc.

So I pick and choose from the SW 12-inch line. I get Luke, Anakin, Han, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, for example, but pass on some figs like Kit Fisto, Jabba, Bib Fortuna, the Jabba playset. I'm also debating whether to keep both Mace and Qui-Gonn.

The LOTR 12-inch line has been easier so far because there had been fewer releases. I won't get everyone from that line, but I'll get the ones I want the most. I'll get Gandalf the Grey, but I'll skip Gandalf the White. I'll probably sell or trade my FOTR exclusives Aragorn and Legolas for armored TTT/ROTK versions.

It's just a matter of self-control and setting your priorities and not falling for the "have to have everything" mentality.

While the 1/1 and PF stuff is cool, it's not even a temptation for me.
I think I'm keeping the nicest statues and sell the rest to make space for the bust of cave troll and ML.
I have all the Weta Sideshow LOTR bust (49 pieces) and will keep these all!
But I have the same problem, space.

I like the bust more then the statues, more detail.
So I decided to sell most of my statues (will keep some nice ones) and make space for the ML and the CV bust.

But then is the question wich statues will I sell... hmm... thats a problem I dont know .. :lol
Buffy is what got me to SSC, but I'm not a completist. Don't have Subway Spike, Liam, D'Hoffryn, Vampire spike, vampire Buffy(on the fence with this one) or Der Kindestod. Got Angel,Lorne,Giles and Cordelia on order.
Buffy also got me into PF as I have also ordered her and Spike. I would love to have PF Leia, but then you've got to have Han and Luke... :monkey2
12" LOTR is the first except from the action figures I will have from that line as i'm not that interested in the statues of them. The 12" look so good! But as said, which figures not to order? In the Star Wars 12" line I'll stick to the OT. Didn't order Luke at the time, but have him now in waiting for Jabba. Ordered Bib, wouldn't if not for Jabba. Will order Boush Leia,even without Jabba. Space is becoming an issue and I know SSC isn't about to stop doing these amazing figures. :monkey2 :lol
Where do I stop? With LOTR it's easy. I want the fellowship, the witch king, 2 ring wraiths, one orc(gothmog, hopefully), one uruk hai, eowyn(armored), arwen, faramir, gollum, Saruman. Which is still a lot, and years away from happening. 17 figures, that'll suit me fine.

Star Wars is difficult... you really have to dig into the crevices of the license for figures I don't want. Ice Cream Man, Yarna, any Ewoks, any Gungans, are all definite passes. The rest depends on when they're released. If the first Imperial soldier they release is the Death Star Gunner, I'll get him. If I already have storm troopers, clone troopers, snow troopers, scout troopers, etc, then I may pass. Likewise if the first ROTS trooper they make is the 501st, then I'll get that one, but if they're produced 4th, I'd probably pass.
Yeah I don't DO LOTR, I love the books and films, but Star Wars is my only child when it comes to collecting. I made a few rules for myself with SideShow since I can't afford everything.

1. Only characters that I personally think are essential (mostlymain characters, but a few non-main will slip in)
2 Out of those characters, only their Iconic outfits (ie Jedi Luke is my fav Luke, it's the only version I'll get, some are easy like Maul whereI only get 1 choice. Han I'll wait for a different outfit to get one, Bespin isn't essential to me)
3. Only 12", I don't have money or room for anything other than 12".
4. My wifes yelling index. If I'm yelled at for buying a "Stupid Alien" or "Dumb Droid" than I just don't get it. She knows who I really like in the saga, so she can say "Vader yes, Bib NO" in the case I go overboard.
"Or the Morgul Lord bust flanked by several 1/6ers like the one displayed at SDCC. *Plus* the notion that Jabba *still* wouldn't be complete w/o a Gamorrean Guard or additional alien or two.

I have to really ask whether or not Jabba trumps all of the possibilites of LOTR at that pricepoint...? It isn't so cut and dry anymore."

... well said! That's my whole dilema right now... I love ROTJ.. but with the money saved from Jabba and company (although I'd still get a Gamorrean Guard) ... Think of all the other possibilities one could get.. and that Morgul Lord Bust is very high on the pecking order!:confused:
The question of what to collect from the 12" Star Wars line is VERY difficult for me. I want it all. It's only the "blink and you'll miss them" characters that I wouldn't want. So passing on the whole Jabba environment is a very big deal for me.

Seeing the Jabba set up, you start to get a sense as to how deep this Sideshow line is going to go. Is a Emperor with his throne chair out of the question? What about a Vader in the Meditation Chamber? Luke and the Landspeeder?

Make no mistake... the 12" Sideshow Star Wars line will be demanding a significant amount of money and space in your collection.

These are strange (as well as exciting) times we live in... in terms of collecting. I find that my love of collecting is actually eating itself. I LOVED the Clone Wars Maquetes when they came out. I bought EVERY statue in a heartbeat. But with the dawning of this new 12" Star Wars line as well as seeing the next wave of Maquetes announced, I knew something had to give. So it was with a VERY heavy heart, that I sold the maquettes. My wife still hasn't fully forgiven me, she like them too.

People tell me that I should have just held on to the ones that I loved and sold the rest. Unfortunately, there wasn't any that I didn't love. How do you choose? Besides, I had to scrape up a significant amount of money to afford the Sideshow offerings. To this day, I have a hard time looking at the new Clone Wars maquette offerings... Jedi Anakin, General Grevious... it hurts too much to think about it. However, I really love all of the Sideshow Star Wars so far... I'm looking forward to the 12" Obi-Wan with MUCH anticipation.

But basically you are pitting love against love... the whole process leaves me generally overhelmed and slightly bruised and heartbroken. :eek:
I found the easiest way to stop is to buy as much as humanly possible on my CC and then I can't order anything else.

But seriously, if anyone finds a way to stop please let me know.
I just perused the SDCC photo galleries at rebelscum:



And I honestly have no idea what I want most. I can't have it all. But I love the 1/6 Jabba, Premium Formats, 1:1 busts, 1/6 figures, LOTR Legendary busts and LOTR 1/6 figures.

I simply have no idea how I'll decide what is my personal cream of the crop.

Whatever it turns out to be, at least I know it'll be undeniably awesome.
After recieving Sith Anakin (my second SS figure) I was blown away at the awesomness..... I'm now second guessing the Jabba set in hopes of some Empirial set... with the saved money I can afford something else... Of course I do love the whole Jabba side of things. Good thing it's gonna be a while before he come out.
creature4000 said:
After recieving Sith Anakin (my second SS figure) I was blown away at the awesomness..... I'm now second guessing the Jabba set in hopes of some Empirial set... with the saved money I can afford something else...
I'm finding myself wondering those same things. The Jabba set is so amazing looking, yet its still a representation of a scene from my least favorite movie of the OT.

What happens when they go all out for an ESB environment? Jabba demands to be a centerpiece. But will it be the best center piece they can offer?

Hard to say. On the one hand scenes in ESB are much cooler than the Jabba sequence from ROTJ, but how viable is it for them to create a Carbon Freezing Chamber or Hoth environment? If they keep things 1/6 scale there aren't that many options. Definitely the Emperor's chair or Vader Meditation Chamber, but I'd say Jabba trumps those.

And you get such a great variety with the palace set up. So many things in one place that make SW great. Jedi hero. Rogue scoundrel. Heroes in disguise. Lots of aliens. Some droids. And Boba Fett to cap it all off. Not many scenes bring together that many elements from the saga. The only thing its missing is Sith and Imperials.

But still, seeing those 1:1 busts all lined up, or the Legendary busts, and PF's standing in a circle facing out. Dang. Talk about Sophie's Choice.
Another scence would be a Ice cave with Wampa!!! :monkey5 :monkey5

...i guess I'll just go broke! :chew
I dont know where to stop either lol.

I collect the 12inch buffy line:
But I tend to try and get one of each character,Although with willow I had to have vamp as willow came out ugly.

And I got another angel as it was so cheap,And I get all the buffys.
I passed on darla ad D'hoffren.

And I get one one of each character in dst's 6inch range,unless its buffy and then I get more.

Im starting to get the starwars 12inchs,Im just getting though:
Han,luke,leia,anakin,obi, ben and a padme.
And C3PO and vader and the empire.

And I may get jabbas throne set for xmas/birthday.
And just get leia pf and maybe vader.