abstractharmony said:
Think of the image from the films that best epitomises the film for you (Bespin Luke or Black Gates Aragorn for me...) and decide to get those in PF.
Ha, I like how you think. Bespin Luke IS the epitome of SW greatness to me, and Black Gates Aragorn ranks up there for LOTR. The latter is tougher though, as Gandalf the Grey, Frodo, Gollum, and Aragorn in ranger gear w/elven cloak are also VERY high on the list.
But in a funny way having just one LOTR character seems to almost go against the themes of friendship (or fellowship if you will) of the story and the films. You almost have to get the whole crew to do it right. Or at least Frodo and Sam. And Gollum. And Legolas and Gimli. And....
I wonder if SS won't do a straight Bespin Luke PF on account of the similarities to Dagobah Luke.
I was SO sure with Jabba, but then after I preordered Bib Fortuna I suddenly thought "what if it comes down to choosing between Bib and a Fellowship member?" Bib goes DOWN. And even as an OT diehard, Bib to me really is a $60 "accessory" to Jabba, not a character in and of himself to get that excited over. And when I ordered him I realized that Jabba, the dias, creatures and Bib were $420. The most amazing 1/6 SW diorama ever, but suddenly we're getting into 1:1 Yoda bust territory. Or the Morgul Lord bust flanked by several 1/6ers like the one displayed at SDCC. *Plus* the notion that Jabba *still* wouldn't be complete w/o a Gamorrean Guard or additional alien or two.
I have to really ask whether or not Jabba trumps all of the possibilites of LOTR at that pricepoint...? It isn't so cut and dry anymore.
LOTR are the greatest films of all time.
But SW still ranks highly and will always have that "magic" that began so early in my childhood.
LOTR figures are more detailed and appear to be even higher quality than the SW ones.
SW figures are more instantly recognizable and will probably evoke more enthusiasm from guests (well OT characters anyway).
LOTR's fantasy theme goes better with the classic styling of our house, but has more "ugly" characters that my wife wouldn't be as thrilled to see on display (Lurtz, Cave Troll, orcs.)
SW never ends, but by the same token it seems easier to break up SW iconics than the LOTR Fellowship.
Its almost agonizing deciding which to truly give more focus to, but if I HAD to choose the line that has the edge TODAY...
I'd have to pick LOTR.
The soul searching over all the "Sophie's Choice" dilemmas for each line has only just begun....