Super Freak
thanks for the tips! i'll give it a shot!
I started with 2, which had no effect at all on mine and then moved on to 3. Might wanna do the same just in case lol
Try to do the whole wax on wax off thing (circles). It's clumsy as it's a narrow spot and you'll get Novus on other parts of the bust so you might want to use a q-tip to rub on those spots close to the wounds. A cotton ball would smear Novus all over the flesh tones and wounds. Happened to me a few times and leaves a white-ish color. Will get rid of those when i touch up the wounds however, no big deal. If i could have done it all over, i would have covered the wound's edges with silly putty or similar. That way you can just go at it without having to worry about rubbing Novus on to other parts of the sculpt.
Good luck.
BTW, thanks f_o_a_t, i'm pretty happy with the results.