Super Freak
It looks really good from some angles, not so good from others. I like it, but both of the items it is displayed with are stealing all of the attention and drowning this out for me. I'll probably be buying both of those.
This could of been so good (non goofy legs and truck debris)...
Oh, and chrome.
The finish looks very poor, even for the prototype. I could almost live with the odd choice of pose, but that finish looks very dull up close.
Chrome doesn't add anything to the product except make it look pretty.
I think people use the term chrome out of context at times. They probably simply mean metallic. A trait which is always hard to capture in pictures, you'd think this will look better in person but they clearly went for a very grimy look on this.
Hi Alex,
Just wanted to ask if the T-800 Endo maquette from T2 is still in the works when it was announced awhile ago? With the reveal of the T-800 maquette from T1 that just went up for order, I wanted to know if it is still coming? Or has the original T2 maquette been switched to the T1 maquette and we won't be seeing a T2 version. Please see pic of the initial T2 Endo announcement.
Thank you in advance for the clarification.
It's still happening. This recent release just ended up being done before that one.
Hopefully they take that into account.That revelation will only hinder sales.