Cleveland, thank you. I'm still waiting for my Rio Rondo buckles to come in to finish his holster and Jen to finish the clothing, but I have everything else for him ready to go.
Ted, got a Ryan Gosling from Drive and a Daniel Craig Bond I've been dragging my feet on.

But that's it for now. Once I wrap those up, I'm thinking of doing a Antonio Banderas for Desperado or Zorro maybe.
Siquisiri, thanks!
Dareon, yeah likenesses are tough. I spend a lot more time doing likenesses than a generic head. I printed out a ton of references and kept checking and rechecking the sculpt. It's a slow and painful process.
alexi.volk - I hear ya and agree that there should be more variety. However, I am pretty new to this hobby and have missed out on some amazing sculpts. So I figured I would make one for myself rather than trying to hunt down sculpts that are older. Besides, I sculpt all my sculpts bald in order to make revisions so making changes to an existing sculpt isn't too hard. I just make a cast in wax and then revise it with hair, beard, wrinkles, etc. so if there is enough interest for Brad in either of those films, I can certainly make revisions.
Skiman - thank you. I would love to see you paint him up! I'll let you know soon. I sent him an email so just waiting for him to respond. I think it should be fine. I'll let you know.
MG2065, Galactiboy, Joel, Daharvest, thank you for the kind compliments!