I think it's funny that you are calling me a troll. Aren't you the one who came into a thread about a wack job parent making her kid kill her pet and try to turn it into your own personal vendetta against hunting and eating meat? Who's the troll?
I don't know man... you seem to have some sort of sick "fixation" with me... it's starting to be a little creepy you know?...
I posted my opinion, yet you decided to turn it into a personal attack...
you always do that...
I'm beginning to think you're some kind of a web-stalker!

You don't have to comment on my opinions, yet you always decide to do so, why?

You're not going to change my mind, and I won't change yours... move on!
Be happy!

Thread rated: HIGHLARIOUS!
I see Kuzeh's the punching bag again...