Did you order one of these?
I really love the Darth Vader, and two of those Stormtroopers fit in really well. But quite expensive... Is there any news on the Royal Guard PO?
Stormtroopers are open again for pre-order at amiami. I can't decide if I'll get more, I already ordered two before but I think it will look cool if there's four stormies with Vader.
@CoyoteMegalo - No problem dude! I saw a Vader in a store here in Japan but it's much expensive now at 10,000¥ I got mine for 7,500¥ before.
@momaw - Hmmm. I think two Stormys and two Sandys sounds good. Thanks for that idea.![]()
Pre-order is closed again. I just realized now that there will be Royal Guards too.�� Should have added two more Stormys for front row soldiers then two Sandys for a formation type of display.