Well, Mando is a no-brainer, but can't say I won't be disappointed if he comes out before the long list of other characters we're still waiting on. IG-88 and R2-D2 are must-haves.
Mando is up on BBTS... For $150!!...
For anyone who must have him..
It's a US Web Exclusive, only place to get it for $100. BBTS is just buying them there and re-selling.
You mean there will be no other place to get it then ?
Looks to be the case. Tamashi doesn't even have it on their Japanese site and none of the usual places Tamashi exclusives show up in Japan have it. Total bulls*** if you ask me.
Does anyone know if you have to pay up front for preorders on p-bandai US? I've never preordered from that site before.
I think you have to, I made an order way back when they used to ship to Canada.
Anyone ordered overseas (Asia). Tried a couple places but no luck. Is that new figure exclusive to Bandai?
Bluefin Facebook says "Available now only at Premium Bandai USA", so it looks like yeah it's an exclusive. At least for now.
I'm going to wait a bit. Tamashii Nation has their biggest convention of the year in November. I'll wait till that at least.