So which of the planned movie realization figures do you guys want to see Next? I would like Yoda, Maul and the Leia that are being planned.
Well, I guess the other Stormtrooper versions are a go at one point along the line, so I hope we will see at least a sketch of Leia in the coming months. I wonder what a figure wearing a kimono will look like in this line, and also what a non-masked character will look like. I really really hope that we will get at least one female figure in the line.
Darth Maul is next on my waiting list. I have high hopes for a good Oni figure.
Hopefully we will also get confirmation for :
- Yoda
- Chewbacca (I guess most of the work will be on his face, with big yokai eyes and tusks)
- Han Solo (no idea how they would turn him into a Feudal Japanese version though)
- the droids (bells and ornaments ? It sounds strange. A walking stone or paper lantern would be cool for R2-D2 though

- and this strange idea of an AT-TT as a horse with samurai bridle. I can picture a normal samurai horse (which would be very cool), but except if they go the mechanical horse way, I'm not sure of what they are planning with this one.
As for the Lone Wolf Jango Fett and a version of a child Boba, I'm more curious about Boba, as I guess that Jango would mostly be a repaint of the upcoming adult Boba.
I guess we will still have to wait to know if they are going to make more unmasked characters (without heavy armor). So far I think a few more characters could turn out nicely :
- ROTJ Luke (black-clad ninja ?)
- ANH Obi-Wan Kenobi (samurai with haori vest)
- Anakin (AOTC or ROTS with kataginu vest)
- Lando as Jabba Guard (new version of an armored foot soldier with tusked mask)
- TPM Amidala :
1. kimono version (many of her costumes are based on kimonos anyway, so it would not be difficult). A Theed Throne Room version could look like this Empress Michiko wedding dress :
2. female samurai battle gear version (maybe the Sabé handmaiden decoy version from the Theed battle). For a battle gear version, adding a bit of armor to get a kind of Tomoe Gozen female samurai would be great, but of course it would be a stretch from the actual battle gear movie version :
Of course, she would need a bow and a naginata.
- Greedo as a kappa :
- IG-88 : a komuso monk / ninja in disguise version, with a basket / droid head :ō
- Dengar, : yeah, not the most popular one, but he could make at least a decent Sohei warrior monk with white scarf :
I would also love to see Palpatine getting an evil emperor treatment (with a Noh wrinkled old man mask maybe ? :, but the hood is quite an obstacle for a Japanese emperor. He would need to be made from one of his reddish Prequel costumes I guess, maybe with a removable hood... At least a Noh cunning actor version would be consistent with the character.