Hey all,
My first post in here. Just wanted to say that I very much enjoyed seeing all you guys pictures posted in here so far, it looks awesome!
And say thanks among others to the person that came up with using that horse from the Planet of the Apes toyline to combine with, I was inspired by that and got myself one as well.

I just wanted to share with you all my recent acquisition from SWCE: the Sandtrooper with black shoulderpad.
I intended it from the moment I saw the anouncement of it becoming available, to customize it and turn it into my very own Shadowtrooper.
It was seeing the black shoulderpad that sparked the idea for it; though it was when looking at the small pouches he wears on the other shoulderpad, that made it feel right for me that I wanted to use a Sandtrooper for this. That, and the fact that the sandtrooper has a hole in his back for where his gear is installed onto him, that I wanted to make use of for adding him carrying an additional sword on his back. A bit ninja like, you might say. Or at least that's my thought behind it. To make him even more elite. (I used Vaders sword and sheath along with his clip from Vaders waist to hold the sword )
And to finish it all off, I wanted to give him the mechno-arm from Darth Vader, because I loved that design of it, somewhat steampunk like looking.
And the backstory for me personally was: these Shadowtroopers are so devoted, that they cut off their own arm to replace it with a mechno-arm, to honor Vader.
(I know, I know, I saw the Shadowtrooper design they had in the pipeline, yet I wanted to go ahead with it still. I just couldn't wait 'till theirs would come out, hahaha)
So, here is what it looks like. I hope you like it.