Tekken 6 Release Info

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I may get it at Best Buy's buy 2, get 1 free. probably will
So far so good. Havent had any lag during any of my online fights, and the air juggle combos are pretty sick in this game.
I bought it and I'm quite let down so far. I mean what the hell happened to MY Tekken!?

The game already looks outdated and being that it's a transfer of an arcade game that was released 2 years ago no wonder. But then I'm left wondering what took two years to make this?

The animations are stiff and the gameplay needs an severe update it seems stale. Tekken 5 seriously looks better than this, face animations, textures, all aren't up to par of what I've come to expect from Tekken. Load times are far too frequent and wayyyy long and the menu seems cumbersome.

I can't get over how dumb most of the characters look now. What the heck did they do!?