Wow sold out! Not even a low quantity alert.
My wife was have got the last one.
Yep. JAWS is going to get another T1. If you all remember I dropped my original T1 Ex and had damaged the paint. I sold it to a fellow board member and was ready to get out of collecting. I was just so frustrated.
My wife felt bad for me. She actually talked me out of trying to sell My Hulk Comiquette. She told me to wait and let the feeling pass. Well it did and I then went around the house after I sold the T1 complaing that perhaps I should not have sold it and just sent the head to be repainted.
Well as a valentines gift she set up an account and got one for me. Funny thing is she tried to use my CC (I like the points I get) and she got an email from SS saying that she could not do that so she put in her own. This happend yesterday and we got the shipping info last night. So perhaps I got the last one.
Only thing that sucks is that if there are any issues with the piece will I be anble to get a replacement?
I have not seen to many issues with this piece so I think I should be OK. Nice to be the owner again of what I think is one of SS top 3 movie pfs.