Terminator 1 Premium Format

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thanks, you guys are right the regular head looks much better. The ex head inhand pics dont look anywhere close to what they are showing on the website.

I have always intended to display the reg head. But I thought the Ex head turned out great also. I may even switch out from time to time.
That is Dead on Arnold to me. I even like the fact that the endo eye is not looking the same way. I am so pumped for this to arrive.

Before I post my pics I will just say that pictures do this thing absolutely NO JUSTICE! Everything from the paint to the likeness is freaking beautiful and compared to the T2 PF this paintjob is like night and day. Thank you Sideshow!

And now, the pics!






WOW. This is the best PF I've ever seen. T1 is probably my favourite film and Sideshow really did that character justice. Fantastic photos Voorhees. Thank you.

That last pic of your setup is great mate!

He is looking like a miniature Arnold which you trapped in the wild and now have in captivity and you dressed him in T1 gear. The likeness to that police station scene is just spot on, I was watching it again the other day (you can plug your iphone into the treadmills at my gym - GENIUS!) they've just nailed it IMO.
Thank you all for the compliments and you're welcome :)

Btw I recieved 297/750

I haven't a shred of doubt you all will be VERY happy when it arrives. :rock